14. Flicks, Slips and Tricks

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I stroll into the kitchen, snagging a bag of popcorn from the pantry. I tear the bag open with my teeth before shoving it into the microwave.

Hunter and Alex are locked in a video game battle on the couch, nursing beers like it's game night at the local pub. It's fine. I, though, have a plan—something to throw Addison off her game.

Then again, I can probably give her another kiss and that'll be enough. I meant it as a challenge, one I didn't think she'd take on. And fuck me. I'm the one who was left hard. With a long solo night.

Am I still on the fence about her? Absolutely. But I have to hand it to her; vulnerability looks good on her. Sure, I've tossed a few jabs her way, and I still have a laundry list of questions, but deep down, I believe her.

Do I want all the juicy details about her no-orgasm situation?

Hell, yes.

The whole concept of a perfect stranger doing something without expecting anything in return feels like a foreign language to me. She spilled a secret, and while I could use it to mess with her a bit, it's not a game-changer.

How does a girl like her not climax? She's a live wire, a walking firework show. Maybe that's why she keeps her distance from the usual social circuits—doesn't want the word to spread.

She could fake it, probably, but maybe pretending isn't her thing, or she sucks at pretending.

The microwave beeps, interrupting my thoughts.

I pull out a red bowl from a shelf, dump the hot, buttery popcorn into it. The plan? Simple—comfort Addison and maybe psych her out a bit.

"Now pass the popcorn, Carter. We're dying here," Hunter declares, never tearing his eyes from the TV screen.

I roll my eyes, handing the bowl to Hunter. "Here you go. But sorry, it's not a never-ending popcorn supply. Got a movie night with Addison."

Hunter's eyebrows shoot up, and Alex chimes in, "Addison? Stripping Girl Addison?"

I sigh, shaking my head. "She's not Stripping Girl, Alex. And yes, Addison. Movie night. In my room."

Hunter chuckles, popping a handful of popcorn into his mouth. "Well, well, looks like Carter's got himself a hot date. Didn't think you'd hit that any time soon."

Alex smirks, grabbing the bowl from Hunter. "Oh, we're in for a treat. Let's see if Stripping Girl lives up to the hype."

Seems like, this time, if anyone falls short of expectations, it would be me. Do I even stand a chance?

As if she would let me anywhere near her. I'm not stupid enough to think so.

"Are you planning on being her welcoming committee this time, or should we make her shoot some hoops to earn the right to your bedroom?" Alex chimes in with a grin on his face.

I appreciate the solidarity I receive from Alex. I haven't spilled all the details about why I'm pissed off, only mentioning Addison's apparent quest for gossip about me. Alex has run with it, no questions asked.

Do I feel like a shitty friend for not sharing more? 100%.

"Nah, I'll stay down here; she should be here soon anyway."

Since she spilled a few more details about herself, some of her outbursts started making sense. Like the time she slapped me for calling her a frigid bitch. The time she asked if I'd heard someone else say that about her.

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