27. More than a dick

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Absolutely freaking nothing.

That's the result of my blood, sweat, and tears. Not a damn thing. Sneaky son of a bitch, that Mr. Harris. I've thrown every password, every combo, every possible account at him - and what do I get?

A whole load of nothing. Can't fault the guy, though. He's got his game face on.

Now, what's a girl like me supposed to do? Seriously, what's the play here?

I'm toying with the idea of diving into his bank accounts. I mean, I won't, right?

I can't afford to land myself in hot water. Robert Harris doesn't mess around, and if he catches wind of me pulling some stunt... No, I already decided this was a no-go situation.

I'll be six feet under, no questions asked. Sure, I might still get into trouble now, but this kind of trouble? Leaves no trace. If I had the skills for it, maybe. But nah, not gonna happen.

Can't go down that rabbit hole.

If I was gonna pull that, I should have done it before forcing Carter to sneak around his dad's place. So I can't do that.

Yet, if I come up empty-handed, Carter's stuck. Something's eating at him, and he won't talk about it. I sensed it, the way he expertly steered every conversation toward the bedroom. I let him...

Maybe because I'm also the master of avoiding issues.

Hold up, though. We're not in a relationship. He's not supposed to be baring his soul to me.

So why the hell did I expect it?

It's not just that he's dodging the subject - he's actively avoiding discussing it with me. Damn, that hurts. I barely see Jenna, schoolwork's slipping through the cracks...

But I'm practically glued to Carter - correction, I'm in bed with Carter all the time. He's turning into my whole freaking social life. How did I let it come to this? And what's the grand plan when he inevitably moves on to his next target?

It's all a game for him now. I know that.

But, I've got feelings, and I'm on the verge of getting myself tangled up. I'm actually contemplating hacking into his old man's bank account just to lend him a hand. How the hell did I end up in this mess?

Oh yeah, because I'm a dumbass who falls for pretty boys and their promises.

I'm so screwed.

This is all his fault, anyway. That stupid smile, those piercing eyes, that rock-hard body.

But, if he thinks I'm a plaything, he's in for a rude awakening. So what if he gives me mind-blowing orgasms?

I can - totally absolutely get that somewhere else. I have to stop being distracted.

Yeah, that's it.

I need to cut Carter off. He's messing with my head.

I get a ding and one quick look, and I know it's Carter. Is a mind reader on top of it all?


From the look of the text, he's already drunk.

ADDISON: I have a four-hours shift at the library


I swallow the lump after the word baby. Or rather - bby.

Playing for More (Love on the Court - Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now