Chapter 2.1.3 - Improvements

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Emmett and Max worked through the day in the cramped workroom on the second floor. Even when they took a break for lunch or finished their list of jobs for the day, they were still working—

Albeit on different projects.

"Dude, you need rocket boots." Max was standing between the desk and a stack of boxes, miming flying with his arms outstretched. "Swinging around the city is so outdated."

Emmett laughed and shook his head. "Yeah, because I can make rocket boots with the things we have lying around."

"Okay, maybe not. But it would be super cool. Then you could fly around with Clara."

"What about you?"

"Duh. I'll be riding on your back—third wheeling it."

Emmett turned, and TINA was already bringing up schematics on one of the corner screens. There were three different sets:

The first was an advanced set of thrusters that would emerge from his feet. These were rated for extended flight and clearly needed a power source that Emmett wouldn't have access to unless he went back to the lab. The other two schematics were far more promising.

There was a second set of thrusters that were rated for short bursts. TINA had helpfully labeled these as theoretically possible with current materials, though they still needed supplemental power.

The final set of schematics was even more interesting. They weren't thrusters. In fact, they were simple additions to his prosthetic lower legs, and labeled Gait Enhancement.

Emmett's curiosity was momentarily eclipsed by how impressed he was that TINA had put together schematics without him asking. She'd even listed dimensions, several metals and their accompanying strengths and weights.

He could see why she was so valuable to Dr. Venture... and also why he was so concerned with her developments.

Max, however, was peering intently at the screen. "Alright. For my birthday, I want robotic legs and an A.I. assistant."

"...When is your birthday?"

Max leaned back, feigning offense. "I can't believe you would ask that. We're clearly not on that kind of level. What are you going to want to know next, my social security number? My browser history?"

"We already have those," TINA said through the TV.

Emmett was frozen. Max looked like he'd died of fright.

"That was a joke."

Only Emmett found it funny.

Max shivered. "TINA, when you take over the world, just nuke us. Also nuke my browsing history."


Emmett tabled the enhancements for now, and the duo killed a few hours watching Full Throttle Heart before their sparring match with MCGUIRE'S FRIENDS. He'd talked his roommate into watching the original series and then they'd gotten Clara to join in on a watch party. They synchronized episodes and kept in touch via text.

The afternoon flew by, and soon it was time to cross the rooftops.

They were supposed to meet Cherry and Larian on the edge of South Side. But even though they'd settled on a meeting place, that didn't mean that was where they would be.

Emmett and McGuire jogged across the roofs and met up with Clara before starting their true approach—all the while, Emmett tried not to call McGuire by his real name. It was tougher than he thought, even though he'd known him as McGuire first.

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