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Word Count: 1418


Rengoku took a deep breath. He had started his rehabilitation training that day. It was hard, but since he was a hashira, he was used to it. He had healed much faster than anyone had anticipated. Shinobu tried to keep him in bed longer, but he wouldn't take no for an answer. He wanted to start doing missions again as soon as possible.

Kyojuro focused on his training. Unfortunately, due to his condition, Shinobu wouldn't let him do more than 2 hours of training.She did not want him to overwork himself. So he had decided to visit home after his training was over.

It had been a while since he had gone and seen his father. When Kyojuro's mother died his father didn't take it well. He had become more abusive and he drank too much. Kyojuro worried that he would die an early death from how much he drank.

Kyojuro also worried about poor little Senjuro. All alone at home with his abusive father. At least when Kyojuro was home it took some of the pressure off Senjuro. He wasn't strong enough to be a swordsman like his father and his father before that. Kyojuro knew that Shinjuro resented Senjuro for it.

Kyojuro shook away those negative thoughts though. He needed to focus on his training while he still could. Shinobu was very strict about her rules and crossing her was not a smart idea.

During the time in which it took for Kyojuro to heal he thought a lot about what went down at the Mugen Train. Uppermoon three, a formidable demon. Akaza, that's what he said his name was. He was practically begging Kyojuro to become a demon. Not to mention how weirdly flirty the demon was towards Kyojuro. He couldn't believe that he didn't die that night. For some reason or another, no one had died on that train that night, including the hashira. Yes, Rengoku was very lucky indeed.

Now here he was swinging his sword again as if he hadn't almost died just two months ago. Kyojuro looked up at the sun that was slowly starting its descent down in the West. Shinobu would be out soon to tell him that time is up. Rengoku wonders if she'll even let him walk to his childhood home.

Kyojuro takes another deep breath. He has to utilize this time to train to get stronger. Just in case that demon one day comes back for revenge...


Akaza stayed perched at the top of a tree, overlooking a town. It had been over two months since he had started his search for Kyojuro Rengoku. Akaza wasn't even sure if he had survived their battle. "He's a hashira, and I was going easy on him. Surely he's not dead, right? Humans are fragile though... I hope I didn't accidentally kill him." He thought to himself as waves of anxiety washed over him.

Not to mention that finding a hashira isn't the easiest job. Especially without Nakime and Muzan helping him. None of the uppermoon demons had reached out to him. They never did. Other than the occasional meeting every couple hundred years he never saw any of the upper-rank demons.

Akaza took a deep breath. The problem was he looked too demonic to do any good investigation. He knew this much. If he remembered correctly though Daki, uppermoon six would be able to help him disguise himself.

Akaza hated the red light district. It over-sexualized women, and at such a young age too.

If he was being honest Daki's outfit showed off too much skin. He wasn't sure how old Daki was when she was turned but he was pretty sure she was younger based on her behavior even as a demon. He couldn't believe Gyutaro didn't stop her from wearing such a revealing outfit. "Oh well... I suppose in the end it really is just up to Daki." He thought to himself.

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