Origins pt2: Stoneheart

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In Marinette's parents' bakery, the news is playing on the TV. On TV, Nadja talks about people who have become stone giants, while they show pictures of different petrified people.

"The stone creatures are scattered across Paris and so far show no sign of movement. Police have cordoned off the areas." The broadcast cuts to Mayor Bourgeois and Officer Roger standing next to him with a broken arm. "We're not going to stop until we find a way to get these people back to their normal selves, but right now we're not making much progress." he stated.

The broadcast shows Nadja again, next to whom there was a photo of Ladybug and Kitty Noir. "Paris is relying on its new guardian angels, Ladybug and Kitty Noir, to save us all. Our lives depend on them!"

Marinette is watching TV with a bowl in her hand and her father washing the dishes behind her. Her father stops washing the dishes and walks over to his daughter, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Look, I know this is really upsetting and scary, but don't worry, honey. There are two superheroes in Paris, and the best way to help them is to show them that we're not afraid, because we trust them!" while raising his fist.

"But what if Ladybug fails?" the girl bows her head sadly. Tom picks up a loaf of bread and uses it as a sword. "Then I'll come and save you. Super Baker to the rescue!" Marinette giggles and then kisses her father's cheek. "Thanks Superdaddy!" She runs up to her room to get her bag.

Arriving in her room, she grabs her bag and looks at the cabinet drawer that has the Miraculous in it. She opens the drawers and takes the box in her hands. She looks at it thoughtfully, then puts it in her bag.


At Agreste Castle, Nathalie awaits the arrival of the twins. She looks at a clock on a table and then sighs. "Hm, what are they doing?"

She enters Adrien's room, but cannot find the boy. She heads towards Y/N's room, hoping they are both there. When she opens the door to her room, she is surprised that neither twin is there.

"Didn't you see them go?" Gabriel stands at the top of the stairs while Nathalie and the bodyguard stand at the bottom with their hands behind their backs. "If anything happens to my son and daughter, you will be responsible!" Nathalie and the bodyguard bow their heads.


Meanwhile, the two twins ran through the streets of Paris and then entered a park. Adrien is ahead of his sister as they run. "You and your brother are such weird kids. Who would want to go to school when you can stay home all day." Plagg questioned his owner. "You don't understand, Plagg. Our father keeps us locked up at home. We want to meet people and make friends! To go to school like everyone else!" explains the Agreste girl.

"Uhh, I guess I'm feeling weak..." the kwami ​​sighs. Y/N stops while running and takes out a box of Camembert from her bag. "You know what's weird? Eating this disgusting smelly cheese! You're lucky I found a box that blocks the smell. That way I won't smell like cheese 24 hours a day. That's weird."

"If you want to turn into a superhero, this stinky cheese is the deal my friend!" The blonde just glared at him before opening her long sleeved white jacket for Plagg to fly into. After Plagg flew in, she started running after her brother.


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