Dark Cupid

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At Francoise Dupont, Miss Bustier was speaking to the students.

"In most fairy tales the prince breaks the spell by kissing the princess. Can anyone tell us why?" Rose spoke immediately. "Because only love can coquer hate." she explained, enchanted. "Correct, Rose."

"Technically, this statement only applies to 87 percent of fairy tales." said Max. On the other side of the bench, Marinette was a little bored, but she saw Y/N desperately writing something. She wondered what it could be, but she didn't want to pry. Then Alya whispered something to her next to her.

"Sometimes it also happens that the princess is saved by another princess." She teased her as the blue haired blushed and turned her head away in confusion.

"Thank you, Max. That's enough. Y/N, I hope what you're writing is related to my class. Can you tell me what I just said?" The teacher walked over to the girl, who did not stop writing. "That's why in most fairy tales the prince breaks the spell by kissing the princess because only love conquers hate." she said, then looked up at the woman, who was a little surprised. "Very good, Y/N."

The bell rang, signaling the end of class. "Don't forget to finish Sleeping Beauty by Charles Perrault tonight. And Happy Valentine's day students!"

Marinette and Alya started packing their school supplies. In front of them, Y/N looked a little disappointed, then crumpled up the paper she had been writing on in class. She picked up her bag and threw the paper into the trash can, but didn't notice that it accidentally fell next to it. She then left the room to find her brother.

The other two girls were about to head out the door when Marinette stopped Alya. "Go ahead, I'll be right back, I just have to take care of something." The brunette nodded and walked out of the room. The blue-haired one saw that the paper fell next to the trash can and couldn't contain her curiosity, so she decided to read it.

Meanwhile, Y/N was just about to leave the room when Chloé and Sabrina suddenly appeared in front of her. The latter had a folded poster in her hand. "Hi Y/N! Sign here, please!"

"Oh Chloé, you know I hate signing autographs."

"That's not what this is. It's a petition against cruelty to hamsters. Have you seen some of the ugly sweaters they're forced to wear? It's terrible." she explained, then handed her a felt-tip pen. She knew it had nothing to do with hamsters at all, but she didn't feel like arguing, so she signed the poster. She then walked away, so she didn't see Chloé hugging the poster in joy.

Then the two of them noticed Marinette pick up a piece of paper from next to the trash can. "Well well, Marinette. Looking for something to eat?" The blonde scoffed at her. "Maybe she's looking for some better clothes." The two laughed and ran away. The blue haired glared at them until Tikki emerged from the purse.

"Don't give them the time of day. They don't deserve it." the little creature advised. "You're right, Tikki." She looked at the paper and began to read it aloud.

"Your hair is dark as night, your pretty bluebell eyes. I wonder who you are beneath that strong disguise. Every day we see each other and I hope that you'll be mine. Together our love could be so true. Please will you be my valentine." she read while marveling at the poem.

"Whoa, now that's a love poem." Tikki praised the poem. "Who could it be talking about? Hair is dark as night, bluebell eyes?" she thought. "Uh, you?" the kwami ​​pointed out the obvious. Marinette laughed at that. "Me? No way. There are plenty of other people with dark hair and blue eyes."

"Yeah, but bluebell eyes?" She wondered, then looked at the poem again. "What do you think she means by strong disguise?" Tikki sighed, then flew away and began to explain.

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