Chapter 1

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Elenoir was... quite different.

It wasn't like Arthur thought Elenoir wasn't beautiful. God no, that couldn't be further from the truth. As Arthur looked around now, he knew could spend all day marveling at the beauty and wonder the foreign country held. He'd just thought that Elenoir was quite a jump from Alacrya, as the different cultures set in. However, he loved the cute accents and how integral nature was to their culture, along with the courteous people that greeted them once they arrived.

The overly hospitable behavior shouldn't surprise Arthur anymore, considering he's a Prince of Alacrya, the heir to the throne.

Why was he in Elenoir in the first place, you may ask?

If you were to ask Arthur, the only answer you would probably get from him was: it's because my Grandfather and Grandmother wanted me to be here.

The moment the Alacryan monarchy stepped out of the portal, they were immediately greeted by the friendly power couple of the nation, the king and queen of Elenoir alongside the former king (accompanied by their battalion of guards, of course).

"Old friend, how are you!" The still youthful Elenoir king greets High Sovereign Agrona, the man Arthur considers his grandfather, with a half-hearted pat on the back, which the High Sovereign chuckles at as they both exchange casual greetings. Arthur was surprised at how well his considered grandparents went along with the Elenoir royal family, considering how serious and stoic they usually are around other government officials. Is it maybe because they had some history together?

Or is it maybe because Arthur was going to be married to their daughter?

"Ah, let's not forget our future son-in-law." The Queen says as she addresses Arthur, a smile on her soft face and a twinge of a unique accent in her voice. Arthur is unsure on what he would feel at the word 'son-in-law', but he figured if this woman was going to be his mother in law, then he'd have no problem with it. Her gentle smile is enough to warm the whole area, and he feels himself immediately relax in front of her. "My, you look so young! Are you sure he's already twenty seven?"

"Bah, he is, but he acts like he's twelve from time to time." Agrona remarks, and the whole of them laugh. Arthur rolls his eyes, but he smiles nonetheless as he goes to shake both of their hands.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Highnesses." He says softly, but his eyes wander and he realizes that it was only just the three of them (not considering the numerous bodyguards) with no princess in sight.

"Excuse me, but may I ask, where is the Crown Princess? I'm quite curious about seeing my betrothed, considering we've never met before." Arthur asks, adding in the last line for good measure.

The Queen sighs vehemently, her long locks waving in the wind. "Unfortunately, she's unable to accompany us today since she has business matters to attend to in Asyphin. But hopefully, we'll be with her soon!"


Soon, they are whisked away unto a very exquisite carriage. The royal couple had stated that Arthur and the High Sovereigns of Alacrya would be staying in one of the vacant luxurious guest lots that stood near their palace until the engagement party was to be held in a week, which was followed by the wedding. During the whole duration of the ride, they were offered good commentary about the different sceneries and the landmarks that adorned the whole country.

Arthur was in some sort of awe the whole ride, taking in the beautiful sights and the colors and the beautiful cherry blossoms and the adorable welcome banners. Alacrya was beautiful, but Elenoir was extraordinary. No wonder the country was considered as one of the most well off nations in the world. The Imperial Family must've been doing such a good job at keeping the country stable. Was that the reason why Alacrya and Elenoir had decided to marry them off? In order to put in a much more secure alliance between the two?

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