Chapter 4

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NOTE: In case you are curious, the main inspiration behind the fic is the song Super Shy by NewJeans!

The next day, Arthur visits the rink again.

He doesn't know why, but that certain rink already held a special little place in his heart. Sure, it didn't look much like a top-notch facility but it was small and quaint and it was like Arthur's own little world, his own little getaway where he could pretend like he was just an everyday person who could walk around freely and drink and eat and live.

So when he finds out that his schedule is free that afternoon, he asks permission to go to that rink again. Thankfully, his grandparents allowed him to do so as long as he had someone to guard him. Whilst packing up his things, he wished that there wouldn't be many people like last time.

He also sort of hoped he would run into the mystery woman again.

Unfortunately (and fortunately) the rink was completely empty, save except for a burly staff member by the counter. Thankfully he didn't comment on Arthur's numerous bodyguards and permitted him to skate.

So there he was, skating around the rink in lazy loops, humming a few songs and moving his feet along to the rhythm. Sometimes he helped along with Nico's routines, contributing to the programs and which song suited it. So Arthur knew a few routines and a few step sequences here and there.

He started dancing.

He danced and spun and glided on the ice, humming a few classical pieces and some of Nico's routines that he knew. He moved his arms, uncaring and free. He let his eyes fall closed, letting himself lost in his small little world and just let the darkness cloak him. He let himself float free. And for the moment, he wasn't a Prince, he was just Arthur.

He was just Arthur.

Well, being just Arthur, eventually he started doing braindead stupid things because why not? Nobody was watching anyways.

He is in the middle of doing the disco while skating when a soft giggle distracts him from his own world, and he freezes mid-position as he snaps his eyes open.

He isn't sure what to do when he sees the mystery woman, hiding her (cute little) grin behind a gloved hand just a few meters from him.

Arthur pouts when the woman continues to giggle. In her defense, she tries to hide it but she fails miserably. Mystery woman coughs into her hand, grin still on her face.

"I-I'm sorry..." The woman says as she grins, before clearing her throat.

Arthur's pout never left his face as he crossed his arms over his chest. "How long have you been watching?"

"Long enough to hear you sing at the top of your lungs 'Ra-Ra-Rasputin!'" She chuckles shyly, a light blush on her cheeks, and Arthur can't help but laugh along.

This girl's laugh was adorable.


The mystery woman raises an eyebrow. "So what brings you here, oh great Prince of Central Dominion?"

Arthur dramatically gasped. "Hey! My reign is much farther than just the Central Dominion, you know?" Arthur grins when the woman laughs at that. He wanted to hear that laugh again, he couldn't help it okay? "I was just... I was bored, so here I am. My schedule's free anyways, so..."

"Really?" The woman asks incredulously, sounding a bit amazed. "I-I mean, considering that you're Prince..."

Arthur raises an eyebrow, intrigued. "What do you mean?"

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