Chapter 5

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NOTE: Out of respect to those who have fallen, no chapter will be released tomorrow (which will be 9/11). The next chapter will be released the day after (which will be 9/12). I hope you can understand!

Sometimes... Being royalty can be very, very, overwhelming.

From an outsider's perspective, Arthur may look calm and collected, professional and used to the paparazzi that was currently surrounding and suffocating him despite his horde of bodyguards. But little do they know that Arthur felt like he was in a tight, air compact submarine that was quickly running out of oxygen. This was an aspect he never really got used to, even during his time and experiences from his past life.

Arthur merely nodded at the reporters that were trying to shove past his bodyguards in order to get to him as he tried to reach his carriage. His bodyguards were trying their best to feign off the media attention, and surprisingly, they were having a hard time despite their large numbers.

That afternoon, Arthur and his grandfather have decided to go to this famous fashion designer's studio in Elenoir to try and suit him up for his engagement party suit and his wedding suit. The designer was supposed to be the one going to the castle, but due to some unforeseen complications, Arthur had to go there himself. Usually, he hated going out in public. It wasn't like he was antisocial (well maybe he was a bit antisocial), it's just that... journalists are hungry for information, and Arthur had learned that the hard way.

Arthur was a little hopeful, however. He'd figured since he was going to get measured for his suit he figured that Tessia Eralith would be measured with him and he would be able to actually meet his fiancé? He doesn't know why, but he knew being able to see the mysterious Tessia Eralith would give him some sort of satisfaction. And besides, he was going to be married to her, for christ's sake!

"Oh, her dress is already tailored and fitted." Merial (she ordered him to call her that instead of the usual 'Your Highness', which made Arthur smile) had said once Arthur had asked, and Arthur felt like shoving his face into the polished marble floor in frustration.

So now, after approximately three hours of being tangled in measuring tape and fabric, they're finally finished and Arthur desired nothing more than just to bury himself into soft Elenoir comforters for a bit before coming back to the rink and possibly meet the mystery girl again, but the press obviously want to bother him even more. So now here he is trying to not drown in a tidal wave of scribbling pens and the men and women who are desperate to even just get a glimpse of his auburn hair.

But this time, it's different. The press was large, very large. It was almost like a riot. Arthur felt the hot Elenoir air (wasn't it wintertime now?) seep into his skin, felt his clothes cling to his body, felt the heat wrap itself around his heart and cause it to beat erratically. Sweat poured itself down his face, and Arthur regretted wearing a long-sleeved suit that day. He felt the press and their endless questions boom into his ears, shooting straight into his pounding heart. Arthur is not sure, but he probably has tripped a few times during the whole hustle.

It's not always like this, but sometimes these things do happen. And Arthur hates it.

Once he managed to slide into the carriage, sweat running down his forehead, his grandfather had asked him if he was alright in a worried tone. Arthur could barely nod as he drank back some water, his heart pounding still.


Arthur managed to squeeze in a few hours of sleep after that, which he needed desperately if he was going to survive a meeting with the Elenoir tourism advisor. Before said meeting, Arthur had drunk back enough caffeine to fuel several sleep-deprived students who needed to pass their looming exam in two hours. So you could say that during the whole meeting, Arthur was a little... fidgety.

Once Arthur had finished said meeting, he'd tried to go back to sleep before failing miserably. Caffeine had basically melded itself into his bloodstream (he was certain his blood was more coffee than water at this point) and he could barely manage to stay in one place. His grandmother had realized this, and she had sent him off to go sightseeing or something.

Arthur instead decided to go back to the rink.

"Is that rink the only place you'll ever go to in this country?" His grandmother had raised an eyebrow over the paper she was reading. Arthur had chuckled and nodded, before promptly leaving for the rink with his bodyguards in tow. He took in a deep breath of the now cool afternoon air with a smile. He always preferred cold weather over heat.

He'd arrived at the rink and had skated endlessly, energy and sugar giving him a high buzz with every movement. Arthur was willing to burn off the energy, wanting to feel that pleasant ache in his bones after every skating session, but thirty minutes had passed and he was still as hyper as a three-year-old.

"Wow, you seem... sprightly."

Arthur grinned at the voice, and he whipped his head around to see the mystery woman, leaning on the other side of the barrier with an amused smile on her face. Except this time, the woman has her hair in a neat bun, allowing the soft but beautiful features of her face to be even more apparent than normal.

"Hello~" Arthur cooed as he skated over, a bright grin on his face. Arthur didn't even try to hide the fact that he was happy to see her again. The woman smiled, her emerald eyes crinkling in amusement.

"The news said you were out shopping today..." The woman says, observing Arthur intently. "Although, it doesn't look like you've had a good time."

Arthur sighs, running his hands through his auburn hair. "God, was it obvious?"

"Hey, I can't blame you. The press can be... very insistent sometimes." The woman says thoughtfully, lips pursing. "Although, I do expect you to be a bit more tired-"

"I drank like five gallons of coffee to get through the day and now I'm suffering-" Arthur frowns playfully at the cute little giggle that the woman lets out. "You're enjoying my demise, aren't you?"

The woman smiles, the warmness of the grin sending tingles straight to Arthur's heart. "Oh, believe me, I'm filled with sympathy." Arthur chuckles at that. "But if you really need to burn off some sugar, then maybe..."

Arthur moves to adjust his skates, tucking the laces in more securely. "Then what?"

The woman fidgets, staring at his shoes. "Maybe I can help you?"

Arthur's brain practically short circuits at this comment. He freezes, hand in the midst of adjusting something in his skate.

"I-I-I mean! Uh, I could take you sightseeing? Zestier's pretty large and... well, a little walking around could help, wouldn't it?"

Arthur glances up at her, and the woman squeaks under his gaze, a light dusting of pink on her cheeks. "F-Forget it! I'm sorry, I know you're busy and it's not safe-"

"No, no! It sounds perfect, anyways." Arthur smiles, walking off the ice and untying his skates. "Hey, do you happen to know any sort of secret exits around here?"

The woman raises an eyebrow in question. "What? Why-"

Arthur smiles up at the woman, a teasing smirk on his lips as he shucked off his skates. "Because I figure it's about time I go out and explore Elenoir without having babysitters follow me around."

The woman grins, emerald eyes sparkling.

The woman grins, emerald eyes sparkling

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