Chapter 7

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"You're an idiot," Sylvie Vritra, a fiery twenty-five-year-old with eyes that were practically glowing in frustration, deadpanned from the other side of the communication artifact. Her anger smoldered beneath her words, making her voice crackle with intensity. "A complete, total idiot. I knew you were an idiot soon after I hatched, and I could literally read your thoughts, but my god. You are so profoundly stupid, Art."

Arthur just smiled and shook his head; he knew Sylvie never meant all of those nasty words. Arthur had heard and felt her presence in his mind since only moments after she hatched. This was the first time they had been apart for so long, and they soon learned that their bond did not work over the long distance they were apart. Arthur had missed his bond in the time they were apart, and wanted to catch up with her. "You can't blame me."

"Can't blame you? Oh, please, you're about to get married, Art. Having mistresses, or whatever the hell you call what you're doing, isn't appropriate for the situation!" Sylvie huffed, her soft pale-wheat blonde hair cascading over her shoulders as she leaned back against the comfortable couch. Arthur couldn't quite make out the intricate details, but it seemed she was lounging on the same couch she had always preferred in his parents' house.

The thought brought a nostalgic smile to his face. Just as he was practically integrated into Sylvie's family, she was equally a part of his own. His parents treated her as if she were their own child, and Ellie and Sylvie shared a true sibling dynamic. At times, Arthur couldn't help but wonder if Sylvie liked his sister more than him.

Arthur grinned slightly as he overheard his mother's angry exclamations due to Sylvie's 'inappropriate language,' most likely influenced by Ellie's less-than-stellar example. Princess of Alacrya or not, being considered a member of the Leywin family meant a lengthy lecture was in store for her. "Great, look what you've gotten me into!"

"Say hi to everyone for me, will you?" he said, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "And no, she's not a 'mistress' or—"

"You know I can tell when you are lying right? You say that to my face, and maybe I'll believe you."

"She's really not!" Arthur says. "I figure she'll be a nice friend to keep around once I start to stay around in Elenoir for longer periods of time-"

"Words cannot describe how many ways that could go wrong," Sylvie groaned, rubbing her porcelain forehead in frustration. "She could be a psychopath! Or an enemy! Plus, the media could spin her as a mistress of yours, even if she's not. Imagine what would happen! The royal family will crucify you! Art, you know the press, you know the media, and you know what they're capable of! They could ruin your life, your name! Please don't let some random person jeopardize everything you've worked so hard for."

Arthur's voice grew cold, though not unkind. "She's not a random person. She's an amazing person whom I'll probably never forget, even when I get married. But that doesn't mean I'll forget my responsibilities as a Prince, Sylv. Yeah, I'm an idiot, but I'll always put Alacrya first, okay? And it's not like I won't try to get along with my wife—"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Sylvie rolled her eyes, letting out an exasperated sigh. "I admire your 'speech' and all, but I've got to stop you before you talk for five hours nonstop. You aren't fooling anybody, except maybe yourself," she said with a knowing glance. "I'll be there for your engagement party, and I don't want to see you running away with the love of your life like some Romeo and Juliet love story."

Arthur chuckled softly as he bid farewell, and the communication scroll soon turned to ash.

"I can't promise you anything," he said before it dissolved entirely. Sylvie's face lingered in the smoky remnants, her fierce eyes still challenging him, even in her absence a continent away.

 Sylvie's face lingered in the smoky remnants, her fierce eyes still challenging him, even in her absence a continent away

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