Chapter 15: Monstrous Revelation

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The doctor's eerie presence sent a shiver through the room as he calmly suggested, "Why don't you all have a seat?" Her voice was chillingly composed, betraying the malevolence in his gaze that seemed to pierce their very souls.

Isaiah, Bri, and Dunn exchanged nervous glances but knew that confronting this enigmatic figure was their only path forward. With trepidation, they complied, taking their seats, their minds racing with questions and fear about the doctor's intentions.

As they settled into the chairs, the clinic's dark history weighed heavily in the air. The room seemed to close in around them, and they braced themselves for whatever revelation or confrontation lay ahead, determined to uncover the truth, no matter how harrowing it might be.

As the doctor's piercing gaze continued to bear down on them, a shocking revelation unfolded. The enigmatic figure introduced herself as Ms. Thornton, the daughter of the notorious Dr. Victor Thornton, the very man responsible for the horrors that had plagued the clinic.

Isaiah, Bri, and Dunn exchanged bewildered glances as the pieces of this disturbing puzzle began to fall into place. It was Ms. Thornton who had orchestrated their employment as security guards, drawing them into the tangled web of the clinic's dark history.

With this revelation, their sense of unease deepened, and they couldn't help but wonder what role Ms. Thornton played in the sinister events that had transpired within these walls. The truth seemed to be slipping further from their grasp, and they realized that they were now entangled in a dangerous game with a family whose secrets ran deeper than they could have ever imagined.

Ms. Thornton's words carried a haunting sense of familial tragedy. She continued, "My father, Dr. Thornton, was consumed by his obsession with bringing back his son. He loved Ethan dearly but never showed the same affection to me, his own daughter. The clinic and his experiments became his twisted way of continuing his legacy."

Isaiah, Bri, and Dunn listened in grim fascination as Ms. Thornton unraveled the tale of a family torn apart by grief and obsession. It became evident that Dr. Thornton's desperate quest to resurrect his son had led to unspeakable horrors within the clinic's walls.

As Ms. Thornton shared her family's dark secrets, a complex tapestry of tragedy and despair emerged. It was clear that their journey was far from over, and the revelations they were about to uncover would test their resolve and courage like never before.

Ms. Thornton's narrative continued to unveil the chilling transformation of her father, Dr. Victor Thornton. She revealed, "My father, once a caring and loving family man, grew more distant with each passing day. His obsession with his experiments consumed him, leaving my mother and me in the shadow of his relentless pursuit."

As the doctor delved deeper into his experiments, he stumbled upon a forbidden tome of dark magic—a sinister discovery that would prove to be a turning point. This arcane text held secrets that promised the impossible: the resurrection of the dead.

With each page he turned, Dr. Thornton's descent into madness accelerated. His experiments took a sinister turn as he delved into the macabre and the forbidden, driven by his insatiable desire to bring back his son at any cost.

Isaiah, Bri, and Dunn couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as they listened to the chilling account of a man who had lost himself to the darkest of obsessions. It was becoming increasingly evident that the horrors that had taken place within these walls were intricately tied to the doctor's desperate quest for the forbidden knowledge of the occult.

Isaiah, Bri, and Dunn listened in shock as Ms. Thornton confessed her horrifying role in the tragic events that had unfolded within the clinic. Her revelation about her involvement in the murder of the first victim, Emma, sent shivers down their spines.

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