Chapter 22: The Battle for Justice

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As the two years stretched on, Rose clung to the hope of Jacob's return. She missed him terribly but held onto the memories of their time together as a source of comfort. However, her world was about to be shattered by a tragic turn of events.

One fateful night, robbers invaded her family's home, and her mother bravely sacrificed herself to protect Rose and her brother. The violence that unfolded before her eyes left her traumatized and scarred. The tragedy didn't end there; her father, burdened by grief and guilt, fell into a deep depression. To make matters worse, her brother ended up in prison for a situation she didnt understand, and Rose's emotional distress led to her being admitted to a mental hospital.

The once-happy family was torn apart, and Rose found herself in a nightmarish situation, grappling with loss, trauma, and the absence of Jacob, the one person who had brought light into her life. It was a period of darkness and despair, and Rose's longing for Jacob's return only intensified in the face of such devastating circumstances.

As Rose's health deteriorated day by day and she lay on her deathbed, Jacob returns from his 2-year mission. He had been trying desperately for 2 weeks to see Rose, to be by her side during this trying time, but the hospital's strict policies and bureaucracy had consistently turned him away.

Sitting on top of a tree near the hospital, his gaze fixed on Rose's window. Day and night Jacob watched how Rose kept everyone smiling when they visited her; he saw the other patients treating her like a big sister, bringing her gifts. He noticed how the nurses treated her like royalty, but he also sensed something off about Dr. Thornton's behavior.

Jacob wished he could visit, but he could only watch from a distance. As Jacob watched the nurses wheel Rose out of her room, the sight of her frail form being moved away filled him with profound sadness and regret. He wished he could hold her hand, offer her comfort, and tell her how much she meant to him.

But the hospital's rules and regulations remained an insurmountable barrier. Jacob's heart ached as he realized that he might never get the chance to say hello, say love, or do anything for the woman who had become the center of his world. Desperation and frustration welled up within him, knowing that time was running out, and there was little he could do to change the situation.

Till one day, he didn't see Rose in her room anymore; it was completely empty. Jacob ran to the mental hospital lobby and asked the receptionist where Rose was. She looked with a face of regret and called a nurse over who was the one who rolled Rose over. She said with a tear she died, and everyone in the hospital silently cried.

The woman he had loved, the one he had longed to be with, was now gone forever, leaving him with a profound sense of loss and regret.

As grief and suspicion gnawed at his soul, Jacob's extraordinary intelligence kicked into overdrive. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong with the mental hospital, especially after recalling the name Dr. Thornton and the shady activities he had observed during his visits.

For the next week and half, he embarked on a relentless quest for the truth. He scoured news articles, dug into eyewitness accounts, and meticulously plotted stakeouts of the hospital's premises. He even discreetly interviewed nurses and staff who had worked there. Through his tireless investigation, a disturbing pattern began to emerge.

Dr. Thornton, it seemed, had been operating in the shadows, conducting unethical experiments and treatments on the patients, including Rose. Jacob's extraordinary intelligence allowed him to connect the dots, uncovering a web of deception and cruelty hidden within the hospital's walls.

With each revelation, Jacob's determination to expose the truth and seek justice for Rose grew stronger. He knew that he had to confront Dr. Thornton and ensure that him responsible for the suffering of Rose and others faced the consequences of their actions.

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