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I bit my lower lip, cutting out the lights in the bathroom stepping quickly through the doorway. I gave one quick glance over back to the blank pregnancy test on the counter.
"Get it together Lyricc," I shook my head before closing the bathroom door. My husband Maisen, and I had been planning to expand our family for a while — but with the reality looming that I could possibly actually be pregnant was unreal to me.
I hadn't yet told Maisen I had missed my cycle, been queasy throughout the day, or about the soreness in my boobs because it had now been thirteen years since his stepmother had passed about two weeks ago, and he was trying to solve her murder. That was literally all he'd been concerned about. I felt that if I were actually pregnant it'd help him somehow heal a bit. I know nothing could fill that void he had, but maybe.
I took another deep breath as I walked into the kitchen looking down to the ticking timer on my my iPhone, another ninety seconds before I knew whether or not I'd be a mom. I opened up the pantry grabbing a Blueberry Poptart from the box. I walked over opening up the air fryer , spraying it with a teensy bit of oil, before placing my snack down inside setting it on one minute.
I looked down to the gleaming ring on my ring finger, on my left hand smiling to myself. Maisen and I had only gotten married four months ago, after being on and off since our high school days, things weren't always perfect, but I honestly felt he was worth it.
My ringing phone snapped me out of my daze. I grabbed the phone, seeing it was my best friend, Morgan calling me.
"Hey girl," I placed the phone between my ear, and shoulder taking my poptart from the air fryer, placing it down on the counter on top of a napkin.
"Hello," She spoke loudly over the loudness of her background. "Where the fuck you at?"
"I'm home, wassup?"
"I'm over here at Space."
"Yo lil hussssssbaN here," She said in a duh tone.
"Alright, so what?"
"That nigga ain't nothing," She screamed. "He up in here acting like you ain nowhere roun. Like you don't even exist."
"Bitch you drunk."
I put the fork full of poptart up to my mouth taking a bite.
"Friend for real," She smacked her lips. "Some light skin bartender bitch all over him dancing and shit, he just a smiling."