Chapter 49: The Battle for Cornerstone

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The sight of the burning village was truly a heart wrenching one to behold upon arrival. A morbid feeling of discomfiture overcame Caretha, when she saw no sign of survivors here. Even more unnerving was that of so many abandoned carts and caravans, along the mountainous route between Anderron and the village of Cornerstone. Quite a prosperous little mining town with a local farm and a few other venues of interest.

They mostly traded in the excavation of ores and minerals they happened to mine, throughout the local hills and caverns. The routes they'd frequent led both to Zaedroth and Anderron in recompense for protection on both fronts. At least until the shadow liberators begun to distance themselves. So many homes broken into, and businesses destroyed in this initial attack.

All this began to mortify not only Caretha, but Vivian as well. Corrupt liberators still inhabited Cornerstone, resuming their raiding of houses and other buildings for survivors. It pained them even more to find far more deceased now, sprawled across the landscape trying to escape with their families.

Hilary's eyes widened at the sound of soft cries still emerging from many of the buildings. As a furmonian, her hearing served many times better than other races. "No! There are still survivors!" She shot quickly, readying her bow and nocking an arrow into it. Just then they picked up on a young girl, no older than six darting toward them with a tear-stained face as she carried a muddied teddy to her chest upon crossing the farmland. She was frightened beyond belief, no surprise with her being pursued by a contingent of corrupt liberator recruits.

Taking careful aim, Hilary drew her string back and unleashing her shot with all her fury. Without a second thought, her arrow whizzed right over the top of her head and landing its intended target; the throat of a corrupt liberator in pursuit and about to grab her. He doubled backward, flopping over onto the ground just as quick.

Caretha's group didn't waste any time taking up arms as the girl reached them in time. Kneeling down, Hilary lowered her bow to check if she was alright as the rest engaged the enemy. "P - Please. Mummy, daddy, they're still -" She couldn't finish her sentence, choking on her words as the tears continued to flow down her dirt-stained cheeks. She was scared to death.

Hilary just embraced her gently, keeping her close and safe. "It's alright, we'll find them." She stated boldly, whispering in her ear. This macabre sight was truly graphic and one that no child should have ever been exposed to. Witnessing such horrors occurring within her own home.

Hearing the girl's soft whimpering behind her, Caretha wasn't having any of that. If anything, she was just pissed off now. "You damned monsters!" She began emitting an arcane aura around her body, coupled with the holy force as her eyes glowed. Raising her hand, she manipulated the holy force coupled with arcane to levitate the imposing swarm of apprehending liberators off the ground. None of the others managed to reach them at all. "How dare you!" She screamed, clenching a fist instantly as they all cried out in pain. The crushing weight of immense holy force melded with arcane power reduced them all, to a pile of messy husks as their wails of anguish were silenced.

Reaching out, Vivian lightly touched her shoulder to get her to calm down. Even Asher was taken aback by the sight of this, wondering what he'd gotten himself into here. "Damn girl, remind me not to piss you off." He said at daunting sight of the crushed corpses scattered across the ground ahead of them.

"I second that." Sparkzen found himself agreeing. After learning how to manipulate the holy force himself through his last couple days training, he knew he was nowhere near that powerful.

While accepting Vivian's support, she pushed through the comments turning to the rest. "You heard Hilary, there are more survivors. We need to reach as many of them as we can, before the corrupt liberators do!" None disagreed, seeing how these simple villagers were just as much under their protection, as they were the shadow liberators.

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