Chapter 12: Strength & Respect

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Zeradon dangled there in dungeons below one of the temple ruins within Ankerhedge, his body wracked with pain as he endured harsh lashings across the stomach, sides and back. The cracking of the whip across his bare flesh, left gash marks and blue bruises all over. He'd have used some holy force power to heal his wounds, if his body was given time to recover from the previous battle.

He hung in the middle of the room as the caramel gremlin stood there, crooked grin of sharpened teeth in his direction. It was clear he was only getting started.

This little devil clearly got a kick out of making prisoners scream and beg in agony.

Sadistic bastard.

His ears were large and round, ending in a tip. His sideburns, gritty stubble and beard were in need of a serious shave, dangling by his bare cream chest covered in a cross-battle harness. He wore brown leather leggings and boots. He had a slight hunch as did most gremlins usually. His red satanic eyes matched the whole scenario he took part of.

The room was filled with chains dangling from the ceiling. Zeradon hung by his wrists bound together, his toes barely touched the floor. He'd already explained the whole situation to the guard soon after being thrown in here, yet none of them chose to listen - not even 'sunshine' here.

Behind him was nothing but a solid dirt wall and the ground was next to all sand and dirt underfoot. Same went for all over Ankerhedge. To his left stood the gremlin and directly in front were at least two stairs that could easily be overstepped to reach the top level leading to the heavy metal door.

"Feel like talking now, 'Ardourian spy'? Why were you sent here?!" The gremlin growled at him, begging for him not to give the answer as he hadn't finished enjoying his fair share of fun yet.

"You didn't hear?" Zeradon asked sincerely, catching his attention as he thought he was really breaking through. "Your mother." His neutral expression turned to a wicked grin once again, staring at the ground and closing his eyes. He sniggered under his breath, glad to know he still had plenty of kick left in him. "That's right, she liked having an Ardourian voyeur follow her around. Much more manly than any of the Credourian garbage you find around these parts. She liked what she was seeing so much, she invited me in for tea and biscuits, before we knew it the deed was complete, and she sent me on my way with 50 silver for a job well done."

The whip came flying at him again, cracking right across his stomach once more. Zeradon needed to endure, at least until his strength regained to heal himself. Hanging there without a top on, everyone's armor and weapons were seized and confiscated upon arrival, except Mordok who was floating about the mainland somewhere. Probably having a crappy steak somewhere or downing a brew that tasted like piss, depending on what Credourians used to work with for such things. He'd happily trade places.

Gritting his teeth, he swung slightly as he felt himself bruise after another sharp sting. His body hurt like hell. If he got out of here, that gremlin was the first one he was beating senseless on the way out.

An ogre stood guard by the metal door. The wall along each side of the door had holes in similar to that of standard jail cells, except constructed after carving out the rooms and walls to view the hallway that led to the other cells. The hallway crossed from left to right. The one thing Zeradon really couldn't stand more than the torture was the insufferable heat around these parts. How the Credourians thrived in such humid conditions with no lakes, waterfalls or any forms of water nearby was truly beyond him.

Forget warriors, these nutcases were just that.

Damned nutcases!

He needed to find a way out of this place, if Mordok wasn't going to aid them soon. He and Collin lost contact with Sky on the way in. She hadn't been taken to the dungeons, instead ordered to the 'Gordio Concubine Hut'.

The Shadow Liberator Series [1]: Omens Of FateWhere stories live. Discover now