Chapter One Teaser

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The sound inside the jet was a lot quieter than I knew it was on the opposite side outside. It wasn't helpful that no one was speaking. I sat twisting hair around my finger and letting it bounce loose, then repeating it over and over. Somewhere towards the front was a doctor and pilots. Then there was the passenger across from me: Pietro Maximoff. Also known as Quicksilver, sort of former Avenger member and previously bad-guy HYDRA experiment.

Nearly three months ago Pietro had been killed in an attempt to save Clint's life as well as that of an unknown civilian child. Of course, I only knew these things because of his file and what he revealed to me slowly. Once the helicarrier arrived to safety, someone discovered that Pietro still had an extremely weak and erratic heartbeat. Fury then whisked him away to absolute secrecy as he began to get Pietro healed.

"We are arriving in five," A voice from the front called back.

Both Pietro and I looked up at the same time towards the voice, and on our way to look back down we locked eyes. His piercing blue eyes refused to let me look away and I knew my gunmetal blue eyes were full of emotions I didn't want him to see.

"Pietro... Are you ready for this?" I asked quietly taking special care to ensure my voice didn't waiver. "I can tell them no, I can tell them to turn around and take us back," I said. Back where? To where we had been spending what was almost a month of our time. Pietro remained in a coma for three weeks. After he healed enough, we were loaded into a jet and sent away to some beach side coast away from people and major cities. We remained in a small base hospital and were allowed to visit the beach it sat on. I was allowed into town, but Pietro wasn't until about the last week.

"No," Pietro responded, his accent thick and heavy. It made me swallow hard. "Evangeline, we must go forward, not back. You told me that many a nights ago. It remains true now, no?"

I nodded my head, pushing blonde hair out of my face. "That it does," I agreed. "I'm just worried this is rushing it. You can't use your powers yet, and you've barely reached any combat training!"

I watched as Pietro stood up and moved in front of me. He seemed even taller than normal as he looked down at me, silvery blonde hair falling into his eyes. He reached his hand out to me.

"We go together, Evangeline. We have spent our time together to get me this far, you must accompany me now," Pietro insisted.

I took his hand and he helped me stand. Now the height difference wasn't quite as extreme. I stood a 5'6" to his 5'11". "I'll be here for as long as you need me, Pietro. I promised you that and I intend to keep it."

With that, the jet landed on the ground and the doors opened. We turned to face the sunny outside world of the bright green grass.

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