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"What if i said i really meant it when i said i wanted to hug you"I asked her because i really wanted to.

"Hmm,i don't know"Riele said.I could feel how nervous she is just by looking at her.

"Hmm are you sure"I said and hold her hand.

"I'm sorry but i need to go"She said and ran upstairs.

I couldn't say a word as i watched her go upstairs,what's wrong with me?.

I sat back on the sofa.

Since the day i saw Riele at her school i couldn't take my mind off her,she grew up to be sooooo pretty and lovely too.

"What to do?"I asked myself.

I know she's gonna find this weird,she took me as her brother and here i am expecting something else.

I walked upstairs to her room,i needed to talk to her.As i was about to knock the door something stopped me.

I've only been thinking of my feelings and not of Abel's.This is gonna be a wrong idea to him,Riele is the only family he has and he really cares for her.

I walked away and went to my room,i was so embarrased.What would she think of me now?.
I really wish i could hug her tight right now and kiss her so deep.

She's been on my mind and i think i can't stand in front of her without flinching or showing my feelings.

I think i should just go home tomorrow.I should give her some space.

"But i'll be lonely"

I'll just go tomorrow and come back the next day.


I woke up very early and got ready to leave.

"Good morning"I said as i entered Abel's room.

"Morning to you too,thanks for helping last night"Abel said as he yawned.

"Welcome sleepy head"I said and roughed his hair.

"Are you going somewhere?,you're all dressed up"Abel asked.

"Yes,i need to go home"I said.

"Really,why?"Abel asked with a sad expression on his face.

"I wanted to bring more of my clothes and....my laptop"I lied.

"Oh really"Abel asked.

"I'll be back tomorrow"I said.


"My regards to Riele"I told Abel as i left his room.

"Okay bye"He said.

The journey back home was fast,i think it's because i left early in the morning.

I didn't want to come back here,so many unhappy memories of this place.

"Young master"Esther,our house keeper called me as i entered through the doors.She's shocked to see me.

"Hi,how are you"I asked as i hugged her.

"Not fine"Esther said as she turned her head to the side.

"I'm so sorry i left without telling you,i was just tired of this house"I said as i sat on the couch.

"I really missed you dummy"Esther said and hugged me.

Esther pratically raised me,she's one of the reasons i didn't run away from this hellhole.

"I missed you too"I said.

I went upstairs to my room,i do not miss it actually.

I packed my laptop and few things in a bag to convince Abel i came because of it.

I thought of texting Riele but that would be a bad idea.

My phone rang and i picked it up.


Hi Jace,it's Deli.

Why.......are you calling

Can't you just be happy i called

No i can't be


I hanged up i have no time for useless conversations.

Delilah was my ex-girlfriend.

We met abroad,she was my only friend then,we were so close but we got drunk one day and we kissed.

I had to ask her out because i knew she liked me,our relationship began to grow and we were both fond of eachother.

One day i caught her kissing a lecturer but i kept it in me.She cheated on me countless of time but she got away with it.The last one she did was with my roomate i couldn't take it anymore so i confronted her and we broke up eventually.

She didn't stop calling so i blocked her number,she was a big mistake i made.

What i felt for Riele was different i just wished i could tell her how i felt.I wished i had the courage because i don't want a one-sided love.

I heard a knock on my door,so i stood up to get it.

"What would you like to eat"Esther asked.

"I'm fine,i want to take a nap first,i'll eat when i wake up"

"Okay then,let me know if you need anything"She said and smiled.

I went back to my bed and laid down.


I woke up late in the evening,i was feeling sore and i had a headache too.

I went downstairs,everywhere was silent as always.

I ate some fruit from the fridge and used some drugs too.

"Jace"I heard a familiar voice call me from behind.

I couldn't believe my hears,could it be him or i'm just hallucinating,the headache might just be so bad.

I turned to see him standing in front of me,he looked the same.

"Dad"I said silently.

"Yes,i came home in the afternoon"He said.

"No,i've not seen you in eight months"

"Dad how could you just leave me alone like that and claim you're a businessman who travels alot"I rushed all my words.

I was so angry to see him.

"You are really something else,i provide you everything you need,how could you say i left you"He said so clearly.

"Wow,Father of the year"

"I needed a parental care not money nor cars or any damn thing you claim to have given me"I shouted.

"I'm not having this conversation"He said as he walked away.

"Not expecting a busy man like you to,I hate you dad"I said.

He didn't even look back at me,he is truly heartless and i could see why my mum left him.

I went upstairs to pick my phone and bag.I can't stay in this house with him tonight.

I didn't want to go to Abel's house this night again,I need some space to think and probably cry.

I logged in a hotel downtown,it was not comfortable but I'll manage just for the night I'll leave tomorrow.


Chapter 4 delivered.I know it is short but i had to drop a chapter in Jace's pov.I hoped you liked it.Vote,comment and share.Thanks.XOXO.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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