Time reverse

134 4 14

Bible as an alien who crash landed on Build's house!!

There it is...

Right in front of me...

The woman taking off his clothes...

The lips driven into a thin line, the corners slightly curved up resulting into a sneaky little smile.

The man laid right on the bed with his legs wide

The woman making her first move..

Slowly crawling towards the man, she grabbed the man's certain part and..






Now I'm not lying when I say that I forgot how to act exactly in this god damn natural disaster. All the mock-drills I've attended in my school went in vain because my brain couldn't even remember anything apart from shitting all over the place.

The earthquake was strong and it seemed like my own fucking house was the epicentre of it.
I closed my laptop and got out of the bed to examine the natural calamity which I encountered, looking out the window it seemed oddly peaceful.
I mean we faced a fucking earthquake people!? Why tf these people seemed to be sleeping soundly as if nothing has happened. Checking outside of my house to make sure that I wasn't hallucinating about the earthquake, I made my way inside. Skeptical about whether I really faced an earthquake or not. Until it clicked me that I sensed a man like figure just 5 feet away from me and Walked past him, I realised that I fucking live alone.
Oh, surely I'm not overthinking or am I? I retraced my path to get a fucking shock of my life.

I saw a man standing at least 4-feet away from me inside my house and let's give a little bit of a drumroll to the next piece of information I'm about ot blurt out,


For the first good 20 seconds my brain forgot that it freaking has a work,  Like dude you have to think!!
Our dirty little eye contact game was going good until the light bulb inside my brain went off. I finally knew what to do in this type of situation.
I did the most obvious....

I ran outside the house and screeched like a 5 year old girl.

This was enough for the neighbours to gather outside my apartment within minutes. The old grumpy hag which lives just beside me became my saviour for this situation.

"What happened Biu??" She asked grumpily

She asked the most obvious question, obviously..

Let's be honest in today's world there's no man who's fearless and brave as we had in the past, today I realised that I'm no shit too.
Being asked such a simple question about what happened and I couldn't form words in my mouth for a good 5 minutes.

"There's a- there's a- "

"There's a?"


Till the time I formed words, there were a lot of people who stood beside me. The word 'thief' was enough for them to take action. One of them already called the police, some suggested to go inside and others debated not to take matter in their own hands. I was listening to their conversation even though people were there talking in gibberish.

The police arrived and we went inside my apartment, they checked my bedroom, my bathroom, my balcony and etc. etc.
I was walking just behind them and behind me were the neighbours who were more scared than me, I could tell that very clearly.
The make thorough they checked the more irritated they got.
After an hour of checking everything even my empty fridge, you'll be shocked to here that they doing

Nothing!!! Absolutely Nothing!!

The police, that grumpy hag scolded me for my ignorance and negligence for almost an hour.
Like I know that woman hates me but I surely saw that man inside my house. Seeing their faces I thought I must be hallucinating because when police couldn't find anything, it surely must be my mind playing tricks on me

After getting scolded and apologizing them for a thousandth time, I went inside my house.
I'm not lying when I say that my house still felt suspicious but I couldn't sense what really made it that suspicious.
After Gaslighting myself for the nth time that my house is fine I freshened up and got ready to go to bed,

and once again screeched like a baby this time.
Because this time the same man was sitting on my bed having a faint smile on his face. Let's have another long drum rolls for the next piece of information I'm about to give.

"This time he was wearing my clothes!!!"


Is the fandom dead now?

Hope y'all like this one <3

With love,

Jass ^_^

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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