twenty one.

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"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to see my girls again — and yes, that includes you too."


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Corridors echoing the groans of ravenous walkers, Alex did her best to focus on what was important: saving Hershel's life. Along with the archer, she killed the walkers blocking their path, needing a distraction. She still wasn't over the fact that his blood was splattered on her face, his blood painted on her hands.

It seared her skin, deepening her guilt. Adding to the burdens she carried, her heart felt twisted and mangled.

"Wait, wait, stop," Rick whispered, hearing voices coming from behind them. Doing as he ordered, Alex listened to the surrounding noises.

"Go, go. Follow the flashlight." a prisoner said. Alex felt her eyes widen. If those prisoners were friends with her father, she wanted nothing to do with them. She especially didn't want to lead them straight to their cell block — to her daughter.

Scampering as quickly as they could, they reached their cell block, ordering Carl to open the door. The sheriff's son obeyed without reluctance. Time slowed as they set Hershel on a bed. Towels were pressed against his wound to stabilize him and slow the bleeding.

Checking his pulse, she let out a sigh of relief when she felt it batter slowly against her shaky fingertips. Brows wrinkled, Beth questioned, "Is he gonna die?" Catastrophe seemed to follow the Greene family wherever they went.

"No, no, Beth, he's gonna be okay," Alex assured, bringing the blonde into her arms. Lovingly, she wiped away Beth's tears. "Trust me, okay? He's strong."

She really hoped that promise wouldn't come back to bite her in the ass. Hearing Katherine cry, Alex whispered, "Lori, can you take Beth for me, please?"

Lori nodded instantly, taking the distraught girl into her care. With Beth being showered in sweet assurances, Alex hurried out of the jail cell and spotted her daughter. "Hi, baby," Alex said softly, picking Kat up. Frightened by all the chaos, Katherine clutched onto her mother. Patting her back, she shushed, "You're okay, honey, you're okay."

In the corner of her eye, Alex could see Daryl pointing his bow at the prisoners. As she expected, they followed them to their cell block. She cursed under her breath when the tattooed man with a gun spotted them, his eyes narrowing at the sight of a baby. As she felt an odious aura radiate off the tattooed man, she gave him a death glare, saying exactly what she wanted to without using words. If the man even tried to set one foot in their cell block, he would be dead before he could form a single thought.

"Glenn," Alex called out. At the sound of his name being called, he scrambled to her side.


"Take Kat for a minute."

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