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Second POV(the girl)
I woke up in dim light.
I stood up to lifted up the curtains for  more light display.
The floor was cold but the heat from the sun was enough to overshadow the cold.
I closed my eyes and smiled as I felt the warm heat touch my almost naked body.
I heard some noise so I around to the man who carried me here sleeping.
I walked closer to him and tapped him wake.
"Sir?" I asked while tapping him.
"hmm, leave me, it's too early." he said in his sleep.
"But sir-"I said while holding his shoulder.
Before I could finish he turned around making me to fall on him.
"hmm"I said in pain.
He finally opened his eyes and looked at me in the eyes as I stared back at him.
Suddenly, the same stock I felt in the forest happened again but this one was more softer.
After what felt like hours, he suddenly looked away.

He cleared his throat.
"I need to go to school"he stood up.
His muscles looked like the where crafted on him.
I shook my head.
"Ummmm" he said scathing the back of his head.
I looked at me.
"Sorry, about that"
I nodded my head.
And then he stared at me for a while, and went to a room and brought out something folded.
"here" he handed me the things.
"you can wear these, maybe when I get back we can go shopping."
I nodded and smiled at him"okay".
"I'll go brush my teeth and cook something up while you can stay here and change and come down when you want.
I nodded again.
He closed and door then opened it again."oh by the way, there's a bathroom on the left, you can use it to shower.
I blinked"what about you?"
He smiled"I'll use the one downstairs." And with that he closed the door.
I took out the t-shirt he gave me.
And entered the shower.
I let the water splash on me first before I took the soap and washed myself.
After that, I took the shampoo and washed my hair then I finally rinse myself before I off it.
I took a towel to dry myself then I wrapped it around me and got out of the bathroom.
I put on the outfit and looked at the mirror.

I smiled at the feeling of being clean.
I missed it so much because I was in the forest for so long.
I sighed.
I looked up at the mirror and smiled and left the room to mister levi.
After spending like 10 mins to come downstairs, I saw mister levi already changed to a different outfit.

He turned around and saw me staring at him and smiled.
"Good morning."he maintained the smile.
"Good morning sir"I looked down.
He's smile fell and started walking closer to me.
Oh no,  he is mad at me.
I swallowed hard.
"Do I look older than you?"
I was taken back by the question but I shook my face.
"do I act like a boss to you?"
I shook my head again.
He grabbed my face.
"look at me"he said.
I looked at him straight in the eyes.
"I'm not that older than you so you call me by my name and not by 'sir' kay?."
I nodded.
"Good, now come and eat your breakfast."he said before walking away.
I sat on the dinning table and looked at the food.

I started eating but I ate slower because of the way miste- I mean levi was looking at me.
"Thank you" I said as I caught him staring at me.
He seemed startled but quickly cover it with a smile.
"Humm I have to go now, I'll see you when I get back yeah?"
"Ok bye" and with that he showed the door and drove out.

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