Chapter One

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She absolutely hated him.

She'd watch him brag countless times into her face about his success, the hundreds of thousands naive, blind fangirls absolutely screaming their asses off whenever he raised his shirt an inch above his waistline.

She didn't understand it. How could they be so absolutely blind? if only they knew him like she did.

And she couldn't believe that other bitch was trying to get back with him now. Anybody with a half brain could see that Yang Jungwon was an absolute dick.


Yunmi sighed loudly, tapping her pencil on her desk impatiently as the lesson droned on. Usually she was such a good student, paying attention to the teacher all the time. She had to maintain her #1 spot at the school, after all. But right now, all that was on her mind was the spicy tteokbokki that was gonna be served at lunch today... mmm.

Alot of people called her a teachers pet, but it's not that she cared. Yunmi had everything she needed, so she was mostly content with her current life.


there was one big issue, and it was probably the main thing.

Yang. Fucking. Jungwon.

As soon as he started bragging to her that he'd be famous and rich one day, those many painful years ago, Yunmi had honestly hoped he would, because that meant he could be shipped off to America or something and her ass would finally be free from his annoying existence. He bothered her all the damn time.

But oh boy, was she wrong.

not only did Jungwon succeed greatly in becoming rich and famous, he decided to stick around to brag about it. She scoffed at the irony. Most his fans would sell their damn lungs for a concert ticket just to see him in person, and she resented seeing him every day.

Yunmi sighed again, suddenly being shaken from her thoughts.

"Miss Choi? I asked you a question."

The teacher's slightly irritated voice rang out, causing Yunmi to blink her eyes stupidly. Somewhere from the back of the class she heard a loud snicker, and she immediately knew who it was.


Yunmi replied in a sweet tone, grinning fakely.

"You know me, of course I know the answer to such a simple question. I was thinking to pass this one, and let..."

She paused dramatically, turning to smirk at the boy she despised who was scowling at her from his desk.

"...Jungwon answer this one."

She smiled sweetly, turning back to the teacher. She knew Jungwon's worst subject was history.

Jungwon scowled from the back, crossing his arms and grumbling. Yunmi was the teachers favorite, so of course the teacher would listen to her.

"hmmm.. alright then. Jungwon, what's the answer to question seventy-five?"

the teacher asked, flipping a page in her book before she looked up, eyeing Jungwon.

Jungwon rolled his eyes, greatly annoyed, which earned a smirk from Yunmi. She relished getting back at him whenever she could.


Jungwon began. He wasn't paying attention at all, so he knew he was trapped. He tried thinking up an excuse, before it clicked.

"I'm so sorry miss... with my very tight schedule, I haven't been getting much sleep. Y'know, idol things."

he said in a sickeningly sweet voice, making sure to look directly at Yunmi as he spoke, earning an annoyed scowl from the girl.

The teacher sighed, rubbing her palm.

"Alright, forget it."

She spoke calmly, rubbing her palm.

This left Jungwon smirking at Yunmi, knowing that he'd defeated her. She only scowled, refusing to look at him.

idiot... you were partying last night. Lost sleep because off your career? pfft...

(IM SRY IF ITS BORING MY LOVES I HAVE IDEAS!!! ANywaysssss remember to eat and ily my darlings 😘)

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