Chapter 11 - Y/N POV

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   I had the card in my bag because I magically grew a conscious over night and decided to be a nice person. (I was going to give the card back but then I realized that talking sucks and people are overrated).

When I learned that blonde haired boy was Adrian, everything clicked. That girl likes him, I can see why. When you spend time with him, he doesn't seem to be the perfect person I envisioned when I first saw him out my window. 

I'm glad he got it in the end. Hopefully he and that girl end up together.

The first few weeks of school has flown by. Who knew going to a new school meant catching up on all the stuff you missed. I've been studying religiously at home to the point where mom is considering making me switch schools because she thinks they're overworking me.

Adrien has been a massive help. He has become a lot more friendly since we met. He always directs us to the next class; he helps me when I have questions that I can't figure out and waits for me as I pack up my things.
We're always the last ones out the room but he doesn't mind. We study in the library together in our free period and he always sits with me when we eat lunch even though there are multiple people who come up and talk to him. People that invite him to sit at their table, but he always declines.

He's a really nice person, and funny too. We have been told off so many times for laughing. I'm beginning to think he might become one of my best friends-

"Are you okay Y/N?" he whispers and pulls me out of my thoughts and back into reality. We're in science, Friday, last class of the day. The periodic table is putting me to sleep.

"Yeah, I'm great." I respond. I'm really not. I'm tired from school because it's all I've done since I've gotten here. Wake up, school, eat, school, home, more freaking school. 

It's exhausting and I think Adrian is starting to pick up on it. It's not his fault he's just naturally brilliant at everything. I rub my hands over my face. I only have to get through this class then I'm free.

"What are you doing tonight after school?" he asks. Aside from the first day we met he hasn't really asked any questions about my personal life.
I'm glad because I probably couldn't handle being grilled with math's AND personal questions.

"Nothing I don't think. Maybe homework but I can do that on the weekend." I add, implying that I would like to be doing anything else than homework tonight.

"Great, do you wanna maybe go somewhere?" he asks, "With me," he adds like I thought I would go with anyone else.
I haven't made any new friends except for him.

"Yeah, sounds great." I try to sound enthusiastic with my dead voice. He smiles at me then returns to continues to copy the sentence on the board in front of us. I need a break from school.

30 agonizing minutes later, the class ends and it's me and Adrian left in the room.

"So, do you want to go see a movie, or to the zoo, there's a lot of things to do in Paris," he says, and I can tell he's unsure.

"Um sure, whatever you want. I haven't really got the chance to explore, so, you choose." It'll be nice to just go with the flow.

"Uh- I choose..." he's thrown off by my response.
I guess he's not acquainted to choosing since he's a 'celebrity'. I haven't brought that up with him yet because I figured he had enough stresses in his life, so I didn't need to bring it up too.

The only problem is I have been seeing his face everywhere I turn. I was on YouTube the other day and I physically jumped when his face popped up with that stupid jingle. Then again in the bakery window when I passed it just this morning. And the audio has been stuck in my head. 

I pack up my things, tapping him in the shoulder as I pass his unfocused stare on the way out. I hear his soft rushed footsteps follow mine out the school.


{Hey, we're going to pick you up. What's your address?}

I panic, shit. I don't really want him to see my house.
It's small and not as nice as the other ones along the street. I'm not embarrassed but I don't want it to leave a lasting impression.

{Don't worry. I'm out already so I can meet at your house.}

{Okay ;) }

He sends me his address. It only takes me 15 minutes to get ready and walk out the door. The sun is just above setting and the streets around me have a beautiful glow. His house on google maps is only a 20 minute walk. 

I round the tall brick wall towards a giant black gate.

'You have reached your destination.' The GPS speaks.

You have got to be kidding. He lives here! I thought he was rich, but I didn't know he was rich rich. The castle like structure stands tall with large windows and elegant detailing around the whole building.

I wander up to the doorbell but before I can press it, it the gates slowly begin to open. I slide through the small gap in the gates closing them behind me. 

Holy shit. The front door looked like it was taken straight from a modern church. The courtyard is massive, and the house is like 3 times as big. What did I get myself into?

Hang out? Date? Same thing just different shapes? Only time will tell...

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