Chapter 14 - Y/N POV

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   Monday morning should have gone as normal, I wake up, get ready and head out the door with enough time to get to class before everyone else. Except today I woke up late, couldn't find anything to wear, and ran out the door 5 minutes before class was about to start. 

It feels just like the first day of school, but this time no one ran into me, and I didn't pick up a card that made someone fall in love with me-

"Are you okay Y/N?" Adrian whispers pulling me out of my unproductive stare.
The library is almost empty because it's almost lunch and apparently time is not mandatory, and, you can leave before the bell in France.

"Yeah, I'm doing great," I reply. 

Adrian is really good at playing the game where we pretend that Friday night never happened, and we were always just friends. I look back down to my page and finish solving my equation before I start drawing little stars that spread from the corner of the page all the way down the margin.

"Do you want to go get lunch?" he speaks again. To be honest I do, but I don't want to move from this uncomfortable wooden chair.

"No thanks, not really hungry." I lie. "You go and I might come later."

"Okay," he packs up his tablet and walks out the library, his face and demeanor unchanged.

Thank God. I was beginning to go insane having to smile and keep up the act. I could feel my face slowly slipping, but now I'm alone and can relax completely. I rest my head on the desk and breathe deeply, restlessly. My hair covers my face so it feels like I have turned invisible to the outside world.

"That's her, that's the girl I bumped into." Spoke too soon.
"The girl from the photo."

Wait what? What photo? 

The person in whatever photo isn't me, I call tell you that.

Before I grasp my senses, my shoulder is being tapped. I look up towards the cause of the tapping and luck behold, the girl who bumped into me stands, her face glowing red like a tomato.
The same cute girl with the glasses who was with her on my first day of school stood behind her with her phone clutched in her hands, a sorry look on her face. A sorry look for me which meant she knew what was going to happen next.

"Can I help you?" I say knowing I've never properly met them.

"What do you think you're doing with my- UH- I mean, with Adrien?" she stutters.

"I'm sorry I don't know what you mean?" I'm confused. She turns to the girl with the glasses looking for backup.

"What she means is, this." She flips her phone around and... holy shit. 

It's a photo of me and Adrien moments before disaster last night. He's helping me onto he boat and it's almost as if I can read what his mouth is about to say.

'It's not every day you go on a first date with someone special'.

My hears gets chills thinking about it. The photo is actually quite good though. My hair is sitting pretty against my dress and my side profile is on point. The photographer got my good side. 

He's looking at me in a way I haven't seen him. Like a gobsmacked stair and his smirk says everything he is thinking. Like he is drinking every inch of me up and wants to remember the taste.
The boat around looks much more romantic than I remember and overall, it's a good photo.

I snap back into reality, "How did you get this?" I ask.

"It's on almost every Parisian gossip blog." Glasses speaks my nightmare. 

Great. One 'not date' date and I end up plastered on the cover of a magazine. She flicks through the tabs on the I pad showing me the various headlines.

'Adrian and mysterious lover girl stealing hearts across the nation'.

'Has Young Mr Agreste finally found the one?'.

'Adrian Agreste has filled the place a million girls want'.

'The love of everyone's life has one of his own'.

I physically gasp at the last one. I can't believe the things they're allowed to post online with no physical evidence.

"What the hell? It wasn't even a date! He's just-"

"I would like an explanation because- wait... it wasn't a date?" tomato girl asks.

"No. well... it technically was but-"

"Well... I'm... HAPPY FOR YOU!" she cuts me off and screams in my face in a library. An array of shushes follow.

"...what?" I whisper.

She breaths deep, "You make Adrien happy, you can see it in his beautiful beautiful face. And it's not every dad his dad would let him go on a date or even let him go outside. But... just think about me when you have 3 kids and a hamster named-"

"Marinette!" glasses cuts her off as the girl, now known as Marinette, turns and runs out the door.
Just as she pushes one side open, the other side opens on its own revealing none other than the boy she was just screaming about.

"Shit, hey Adrien," glasses says.

"Hi Alya... was that Marinette?" Oh, so her name is Alya. Then it hits me like a freight train.

She likes him, he likes me, and he doesn't know that she likes him. Her love note made him fall in love with the wrong girl... and I forgot to tell him that that girl is her. oh shit.

"Yeah, it was." She turns to me,
"And sorry for... all of that. Congratulations Adrien, you two make a cute couple." She skips away and out the door, addressing the main problem like it was nothing. Leaving me and the problem staring at each other blankly. Thanks a lot Alya.

What did she mean by not letting him outside? He went out last night and that didn't have any complications. Is it because he is a celebrity? Was I the problem? I don't want him to be trapped forever... wait.

I have an idea.

Oh how the press makes everything better. What could her idea be?

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