Chapter 28 - Adrien's POV

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TW: a bit of violence then a bit of smut...

   "Desirable! Come and catch the cat if you can." I scream looking around for ladybug. 

Shit where is she?

"Aw, and how are you going to defeat me without your little bug friend to help?" he points to a bubble off to his left containing one particular red superhero.

She smiles when she sees me, pointing below her. My eyes drift to the ground where her bright red polka dot lucky charm sits. i have to work fast.

It's an oxygen mask. I look back up at her realizing this is the first rational lucky charm that she's ever been given.

He begins to shoot red bubbles at me. I put the mask on my face before using my stick to get on his level. 

My feet reach the bubbles and surprisingly, they're stable. I swing my fist at him just missing. I duck before he can hit my face. I see the flicker of ladybugs earings about to transform back.

He swings as I dodge. He's a strong fighter in fact. He sweeps my feet making me fumble onto the bubble floor.
He hovers over me pinning my hands above my head reaching for my miraculous.

I pull my knee up and knee him in the balls, making him wince and double over.
Hawkmoth really needs extra protection in these outfits. 

I activate my cataclysm.

"This is for Y/N." I say as I punch him in the face, hard, my hand hitting his band-aid. 

It feels just as good as when I did It the first time. I watch as the butterfly escapes. Ladybug falls from the bubble and does her little routine, saving Paris once again.

"Pound it" we speak simultaneously. I immediately feel relief when her earrings flash again. I quickly run over and talk to Luka.

"Sorry Luka. If it helps, I also think Adrien is hot," I reasure.

"But you're a superhero, he'll definitely choose you over me,"

"I don't want him because he's madly in love with Y/N, you can't always get what you want." My ring flashes. I sprint off to the same alleyway we cut through and transform back before I get to Y/N's house.

I stop dead in my tracks and look up to see the house. I never noticed the window on the second floor. 

The statue is hanging out of it again. But this time she's not just a statue, it's Y/N. 

The window that made me fall in love with the Eiffel tower sparkles. The window that distracted me from her, held her all along. 

She was always there.

"Y/N." I call from below. Time slows down as I wait for a response that I expect never to come from my statue.

"Adrien!" she exclaims watching me from above, her hair flowing effortlessly. My god she is so beautiful. I run to her door and make my way upstairs. I appear in her doorframe, out of breath and stumbling towards her.

I embrace her so tight our bones mesh. I hold her for what feels like an eternity before pulling back and examining her again, this time as Adrien. 

My thumb rubs over her jawline, and it moves to her lips. The exact same movements but it feels 10 times better because she's looking at me.

"I missed you, are you okay?" she worries.

"Much better now that I'm here, I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you from that dickhead-"

"Stop. It wasn't your fault. Besides, Chat Noir was there and to be honest, he's a better kisser than you." She insults me.
The statement comes shockingly knowing what she told Chat, my smile grows.

"Better than me?" I lean into her sweet spot, my favorite spot.
"Want to test that theory?"

I was too distracted to notice that she changed. A short thin white dress with no bra, giving me easy access to everything. 

I eye fuck her before doing anything. Tension pulses straight to my cock as she tugs at the curls at the base of my neck.
I take my time working my way up to her lips, first slowly mending the pain then placing the pieces back in place. Breathing isn't relevant anymore.

I move backwards, sitting on her bed as she sits on my lap. My hand finding my way to her wet core.
She's been waiting for me. She moans as I work one finger in, then another, slow, patient, edging her.

She feels so good around me. I imagine what her sweet little pussy would feel around my cock and I purr out a string of whimpers.
She begins bouncing up and down on my fingers and it takes everything in me not to cum right there.

Her head tilts back exposing her neck that I grip and hold, the pressure points just enough to give her a head rush and make her feel good. Her heartbeat pulsate the veins of her neck and my dick throbs in time. 

I remove my hands and lift her dress up over her body. She works my shirt off and her hands scrape my back trying to gain some stability. The window behind her is open with the curtains blowing exactly like I always see them. She's my dream girl.

She unbuttons my jeans and working them off my legs, palming her hand over my erection like she's done before, making me shudder. I pull her face into mine and kiss her with need. Devouring her feeling better every second. 

She was made for me, and I want to indulge in every part of her.

We grind in time both wanting more. She reaches down my underwear pulling my rock hard dick out, I quickly put the condom from my wallet on, immediately inserting it into her. 

She's hot and wet and perfect for me. She sinks down in a mess of moans. She's so pretty when she tops.

"Not enough," I breath.

"Adrien I can't-" she moans deeper than ever. I'm about to climax from her words. I'm so weak for her.

I grasp her inner thighs and pull them wider making her drop further onto my cock and fuck she feels so good. Such a good kitten. 

She raises herself up and back down, whole, adjusting to my size perfectly. I have to lean back because my core weakens under the pressure. She keeps going, exhaustion quickly catching up to her. 

She begins to slow down. so I help. I thrust upwards into her making her moan out my name.

And with that I climax. Fuck.

I quickly remove myself from her, panting furiously. I throw her on the bed and begin rubbing her throbbing clit.

"Hold onto the headboard and lift your hips for me Milady," she does as I say.
I throw one leg over my shoulder and lean down finishing what I started. Her mouth producing the most unholy sounds with my name intertwined. 

She tastes so sweet, I'm addicted. She finishes with 3 fingers and my tongue drowning her pussy.

We both relax in her bed and come down from the high, a mess of limbs tangled.

"Okay..." she begins,
"You're a way better kisser."

"Better than who?" I antagonize. I wait for her answer, she stays silent. I hoist myself up to look at her face. 

She's confused... no, she's thinking.

"You forgot his name, didn't you?"

"Shut up," she rolls over in a petty manor. Satisfied I curl up next to her and wrap my hands around her body.

I stop and think to myself that something finally feels right. I've worked so hard to get her and now she's here, she's mine.

sorry for more smut but you can never have too much in a romance story <3

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