Chapter 1

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In a world that
wants women to whisper,
I choose to yell.
~ Luvvie Ajayi

Chapter 1

Darkness flooded my already blackened vision as the burlap sack was removed from my head, cool, untainted air filling my lungs, a drastic change from the hot carbon dioxide I'd been struggling to survive off of priorly. I panted, my chest rising and falling in synchronization with the six girls lined beside me, each one of us having just been brutally awakened from our sleep, restrained, blindfolded, thrown into the back of a van, and filed into a dim, candlelit room like cattle. Our matador stood before us, shoulders back, chin held high, a maniacal grin slathered across her face. She took a step forward, followed quickly by her two henchmen. Her heels clicked along the cobblestone path, the candles illuminating her march down to us. One by one, they tore the tape from our lips, sticking it to our foreheads as if to degrade us into knowing our places. When they finally finished their ravage of our beings, they took a stance at the base of the altar, containing pictures of alumni. A wicked smile curved the three of their lips in unison as they took one final, vindictive, glance amongst us. "Congratulations, Ladies, you are the select few chosen to take the next step in initiation. Over the last few weeks, we have watched each and every one of you with a critical eye, noting your every flaw and weakness. The six of you have proven your strengths and vigor to us and only have one last step that must be completed in order to secure your spot as a Beta Sigma Xi girl."

I'm sure I looked just as terrified as my five teammates lined beside me. This moment, this sorority meant everything and we all knew it. Every dancer on the team who ever wanted to become someone was a Beta Sigma Xi member. I know of three who did not make it, and on my first day of rehearsal, I was instructed never to speak to them. I don't even know their names.

"You all will be given an envelope. Inside is a simple task which you must complete by the time the clock strikes one. Failure to do so will result in your immediate termination. Should all of you succeed, the first five to arrive back to me will be accepted in. There are six of you and five spots. This is not only a race against time, but against your peers. You are all now all officially enemies. One of you will not be sleeping in the Beta Sigma Xi home." Her henchmen began to hand us our envelopes one by one and placed them in our mouths, our hands still restrained. I was given mine last. "When you return, you will bring me the token of your quest specified in your envelope." Beside her lay a bucket of crimson liquid for if we suceeded. "Good luck to all of you. May the games begin." She knelt before me, drawing a blade across the rope that restrained me, her minions doing the same with the rest of my fellow competitors.

I shook off the rope, watching her silhouette disappear amongst the shadows. Her henchmen followed close behind as always. I removed the crimson envelope from my mouth and tore it open, hearing an echo of rips from my competitors. I removed a small gold lined card with the words 'Steal Professor Hammon's golden pen' scribbled across the front in neat calligraphy, not a single mistake.

I sighed in relief. Steal the golden pen? How hard could that be? Besides moderately illigal, things could be much worse. "What did you get?" My only true friend at this school, Emma, asked me.

I showed her my card. "What about you?"

She flashed me hers, showing me her task of climbing the bell tower and retrieving a small totem that had been placed at the top. Piece of cake. We were going to make it into Beta Sigma Xi, both of us. Emma has been beside me through this entire endeavor. We were both fighting for the limited spots in the sorority. We were also both freshmen on the dance team, and any dancer who dreams of being accepted by her peers needs to be a part of Beta Sigma Xi. I especially needed it. There were only three freshmen on the team this year. Aliyah, who everyone in the team already loved. She was an instant hit, and another competitor for Beta Sigma Xi. She was soft spoken, polte, friendly, and a push-over, exactly what the upper classmen look for. Then there was Emma, who stayed hidden in the back and didn't speak unless spoken to. She was awkward, uncoordinated and clumsy. She was an easy target, and would probably be the laughing stalk of the team if it weren't for me, the only freshman in sixty years to score the lead in the winter showcase at Longbourn University. All eyes were on me, every one of them filled with jealousy and spite. My team was my enemy, unless I win a spot in this sorority, composed almost entirely of members of the team. They cannot hate a sister. "Come on," I stood and offered a hand to Emma, who gladly took it. "We don't have a lot of time."

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