Chapter 6

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If you were inside of the Pham's resident, the sound of Hanni's footsteps, well more like she's stomping the ground, can be heard from the outside. Then it stopped, followed by a sound of a bunch of keys dangling with a slight grunt.

The door burst open, revealing a fuming cat with their groceries in her arms. Then a bear and a squirtle, also with some bags of groceries, came in sight when the cat turned her direction towards the kitchen. The very displeased cat put down the things on the dinner table a bit too roughly that a loud thud can be heard.

The bear and the squirtle looked at each other but said nothing as they put down the things, but not before gulping.

There was an awkward silent for the two of them as the cat just put her hands on the edge of the kitchen counter, lifting her own weight.

The two didn't budge a move. They, or just the squirtle, know what will they have to face if they act like nothing ever happened earlier.

"Unnie, I'm sorry...I don't think-" The little one's voice is stuck in her throat, she was about to burst any minute now. She was young after all. The thought of her disappointing her unnie like this it made her want to lock herself for 1 month without her pink marshmallow swirls. Heck she can't even live without it for a week.

But it wasn't entirely her fault.

"Minmin is sorry too.." The bear let out this time. She maybe dense, but she's not dumb. Well, maybe, not too dumb or too dense but-you get the point.

And the little one was 101% sure something will happen in any second now. There are many things going through her mind right. now. A long lecture, a scolding, or maybe a "No sweets for a week!" She shivered.

Good thing her unnie doesn't do violence.

Except for the satan and the carrots lover.

But things didn't go as she thought it'll be when the cat just pulled back her hand, heaved a sigh and spoke for the first time since they made their way home from the supermarket.

"Clean up after you eat." She says still looking straight into the air. She then made her way out of the kitchen, heading to her room.





Minji and Hyein are currently sitting down the dining table, eating their ramen that Hanni bought from a nearby restaurant quiety. The oldest may not have the mood to cook dinner, but she still cares about her unnie, now she needs to for the new bear.

"Hyein? I think Hanni is unhappy." Minji says with a frown.

"Unhappy???? Minji-" Hyein held the her's shoulders.

"SHE'S ANGRY!" she finished with wide eyes, shaking her a little.

"What is angry?"

"Too unhappy that you're willing to hit someone." Hyein says removing her hands to cross them and went back to her seat.

"But Hanni didn't hit us though..." Minji was right. But why? Hyein thought. She didn't even threw her tantrum at them.

Well she actually did, back at the supermarket. How couldn't she? There were people running everywhere and it was all because them two, and the chocolate milk. She had to apologize to everyone, it was quite (SO VERY MUCH) embarrassing.

Luckily no one broke anything and Minji didn't bleed her nose. Although, she crashed herself (in the cart) on a pile of towel, God bless her. Still, there's nothing to be paid for Hanni.

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