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The atmosphere feels hot and heavy. Sweating like there's no tomorrow.

But the beads of sweat trickling down her body and face means nothing compared to the chill she's receiving on each wet kisses the girl on top of her trailed down her stomach.

"Hmp...!" Hanni jerks her body slightly when Minji reaches just the valley of her covered bosoms. Reaching the fabric of her bra, Minji lifts her head a little to look at the squirming woman that she got under her control.

To say that it turned her on even more is an understatement. She took the advantage to slide her hand down to the back of the latter and just like that, the clothe that as once in between her and Hanni's ample breasts is on the floor.

Hanni shivers at the feeling of the chill hitting her bare upper body. She brings her head to glance at Minji and what she sees adds more tingles just between her thighs. Minji's eyes portrays someone absolutely different. The dim light sparkles in her eyes are almost impossible to miss.

They're full of lust but layered with love and care. Curiosities can be detected through her orbs as they were asking for permission to explore more for answers.

Minji, in the other hand is down to earth ready. The latter's whimpers fuelled more to her desire of touching her loving more. She wants to hear more, she wants to touch more.

She needs more.

With a firm nod from the girl below, giving her permission, Minji dives down to give her left rosy bud a light lick. It's just a light caress of her tongue on it, but it can already make Hanni shakes vigorously.

Minji does it a few more times and each licks, she puts more pressure into it until they become firm.

"F-Fuck..." Hanni spawns a profanity for the first time and it multiplied when Minji decided to wrap her lips around her nipple.

The pleasure becomes more and more unbearable when she began sucking and tugging it with her teeth and her right hand went to the other bud, mimicking her lips.

"Fuck! Minji!!" Hanni just lost it, Minji hasn't even reached down, yet she's already screaming for dear life. It's a mystery to her how her lover knows where and how to do it despite being all oh-so innocent most of the time. She made a mental note to ask her later.

Minji releases it with a pop and went to her right bud for an equal attention, not before pecking the latter on the lips. And when it did, Hanni's right hand automatically moves and grabs a handful of Minji's hair, pushing her closer and holding her head on place.

More restrained moans were released and Minji goes lower, making the girl below whimper every time.

"Oh my god..." a heavy breath breaks through Hanni's lips when Minji's right hand went first under her panties, cupping her womanhood.

"A-Ah..!" she jerks once again as Minji went between her folds with her middle finger.

"You're drenched.." Minji speaks for the first time in their foreplay like it was the most common thing to say. She smirks, satisfaction plastered all over her face when Hanni looks like she's having a hard time trying to maintain an eye contact with her.

How can she? When her girlfriend's finger is going up and down on her?

"Stop teasing me..." she whines huskily, a tad bit too sexy for Minji's liking. However, she gave in and reciprocate with her unspoken dark desires, to be ravished.

With swift movement, her undergarments united on the floor.

Another kiss was shared before Minji goes back down to part her girlfriend's legs and showers fluttery kisses on each thigh, getting nearer to her delicate flower, making her whimper louder.

Minji lifts herself once more to look at her for another permission (even if she doesn't need too because Hanni is all good to go) and the sight got her words stuck in her throat. With the bare amount of light around them, Hanni's whole body is already glistening with sweats that she forgot that she has her own sweats trickling down her neck ad forehead. Her hands clutching on the bedsheet, hair dishevelled and chest moving from vigorous breathing, it's a sight to behold.

Screw permission, Minji's aura intensifies as she pulled both of Hanni's legs closer as she closes the gap.

"Ahh!!" Hanni doesn't care anymore if it's too late or may wake their neighbours, she just can't hold back anymore and screams. But they're like music to Minji's ears though, and that's what egged her to pleasure the latter more.

For once, she's thankful that her baby sister is not home at this hour.

Hanni's knuckles went white and a hand is placed on top of Minji head again as the girl drags her tongue excruciatingly slow but hard between her folds before pressing it firm on her clit.

"M-Minji, don't s-stop....!" the girl below barely utters, not with Minji's tongue doing her so damn good. The pink muscle finally found its way to the entrance and when Minji pushes in, Hanni was pretty sure she had woken some of her neighbours up.




"Can I ask you something?"

Minji switches her position to face her girlfriend next to her who's still looking at the ceiling, one can't really tell if she had recover from her high.

"Aren't you already questioning?" there's a smile on the bear's face when Hanni looks at her. How did her intriguing, sultry and amorous bear a few moments ago went to a literate teddy, the usual bubbly Minji, remained an enigma.

"I...Uhm..." despite the hot session they had with eachother earlier, Hanni is back to her old demeanour. She took a deep breath before continuing, "How did you know?"

"What do you mean?"

Hanni fixes the sheet covering her naked glory, "I mean... how do you know how to...how to do all..that?" she emphasizes so Minji could catch.

And she did, blinking a few times before.

breaking a laugh. The latter couldn't help but to blush.

"Honestly... I don't know. I just...It's instinct I guess?"

"Huh..." she isn't fully convinced until Minji moves closer to her, pulling a hand to her side so Hanni is hugging her.

"I don't know what we just did but I'm glad we did it, it feels really nice... wait- no it's more than nice it's...I don't know." Minji blabbers, cute, Hanni thinks and gave her a kiss.

"It's called love, now go to sleep, idiot."

"Oh okay. Hehe."

"Thank you though, yeah it felt nice..."

"I love you." Minji grins cheekily, taking Hanni by surprise.

"Minji...I love you t- Hey!" Hanni slaps her forearm when she felt Minji pat her on the butt.

"I love you so so so much, My Hanhan."

But Hanni is happy nevertheless. Very happy, with Minji.

She's not so dense after all.

And that's where the story ends.

A/N: Since the story wasn't finished by the original author, I had to end it here.

Bye bye! Thank you for reading mwa :3

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