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It's so nice and snowy, I'd better be prepared, I think to myself as I put on my robes and reach for my scarf. Gwyneth is also getting her uniform and scarf on quietly.

Not many of the other girls are awake yet, so we've tried to be as quiet as possible this morning.

We both wanted to get up early this morning so we can play in the snow for a while before breakfast and classes. Francis will be joining us also. 

As I pull on my thick grey socks, Gwen comes up to me and whispers, "Are you ready to go?"

I grin widely and reply, "Sure am!" As I put on my shoes.

We run out of the girl's dorm together, hand in hand, and wait a moment for Francis.

"Ready to go?" He asks as he descends from the few stairs at the foot of the boy's dorms.

"Yes!" Gwyneth and I reply in unison.

"Well let's go then!" Francis whisper yells.

And with that, we're out the great doors.

Running down the corridors, I am in the middle of my two friends, holding one of Gwyneth's hands and one of Francis's.
As we galavant through the empty halls, the only sound is the clack of our shoes on the stone floor.

We run and run and run when I see something out of the corner of my eye go into one of the lavatories. I don't stop though, not for one second.

We run out of Hogwarts' doors and collapse into the fresh, fluffy layer of snow.

Sloppily throwing snowballs at each other, we three giggle and laugh loudly, not being able to contain the joy we have.

While having our epic snowball fight, I suddenly hear a familiar voice.

"Oh, hello children! You three fancy the snow?"

"Hello father!" I cry as I run over to him, mid snowball battle.

"Hello my daughter!" He calls back as I run into his arms.
"Ooh, cease fire, cease fire children!"

Francis and Gwyneth stop launching the snowballs as Father walks right in the crossfire. Francis accidentally hits Father and we all go quiet.
Francis runs up to Father and says, "Professor, I'm so sorry! I apologise! Please don't fail me!"

Father laughs and pats his back.
"There, there, dear boy. I will not fail you, relax! But I will, however, challenge you to a snow battle!"

Father deftly runs under a small snowbank and starts making snowballs. Francis runs to do the same thing on the opposite side of the snowy lawn. Gwyneth and I walk to the school's steps to watch this battle ensue.

Francis puts up a good fight but Father dominates. He makes snowballs at record speed and tosses them out the same way.
Francis's tactic has been to hide and to get or make cover, and while it works fairly, the battle becomes a stalemate.
Nobody is winning or loosing.

After a few minutes, Dad gets up and says, "Well, Francis, I believe you've won! Good job, son!"

"Really?" Francis asks hopefully, his eyelashes covered in snowflakes.

"Why, yes! You put up a formidable fight, especially against me. If you two didn't know, I had a bit of a reputation for being the Snowball King... oh, but that was so very long ago now. Twas in my third year when I received that title. Mmm..."

Gwyneth and Francis stare in awe, and make "ooh"ing sounds. I, however, have heard this story too many times to count. But that's alright, it's pretty neat, and I love my father, so I don't mind hearing it over and over.

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