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I was passing by the hallway but suddenly I heard a voice talking to someone about someone
When I listened to all their talks I realised that something is fishy in this house.
Someone is giving a dose but to whom.
If someone wants to kill tahir or...

Omg... isn't it like that tahir wants to kill me that's why he hired a maid and gave me some doses. Yeah... Tahir wants to kill me....!!
But then why is the maid saying that because of the dose he did bad to her.
Does it mean Tahir's life is in danger, someone wants to kill him giving him any no no I can't let him die.
I need to save hi-

Suddenly I heard a clicking voice...ohh shit he came back home i heard again a clicking voice means he locked the door.
Suddenly my eyes widened remembering the morning and my parents'condition.

I was about to turn toward him but suddenly I felt two hands wrapping around my waist...I realised it was him.
He pulled me closer as I touched his hard chest this is the first time I am this much close to a man but what the use of this he is not the love of my life


Tahir whispered underneath his breath slowly eating earlobe

Tahir - Are you ready babygirl for handling daddy tonight!!??

Y/n gulped her saliva...she is just disgusted by his talks about how she will handle him.

He bites her earlobe making her hiss in pain or pleasure!!!!!!!??

His hands slowly went from her arms to her hands, he turned her towards him
Her eyes were down looking at her feet.
He slowly uplifted her face finding some tears in her eyes...his heart ached seeing her tears but he ignored it as his hormones were taking him over!!

Tahir - Don't worry your dad and family will be safe!!

She looked in his eyes...they made eye contact!!!
Tonight she must feel uncomfortable or disgusted around him but instead of this, his eyes are pure...after so many days y/n finds old tahir inside his eyes...she is feeling comfortable around his aura..maybe her heart is falling with him....!!??!!!!!!!!!!

Tahir smiled and pulled her closer
He cupped her cheeks before capturing her lips with his lips.
Y/n startled by the sudden attack of lips
(Attacks of lips... wtf I am writing 🤭)

Smut ahead
Be careful
(Stop if you're not comfortable or interested
I know no one will stop
Go ahead berries 😉👍)

The kiss was not representing lust...y/n could feel his passion and love in the way his lips are moving towards her lips.
Suddenly he bite her lower lips making her open her mouth...he put his tongue inside her mouth fighting with her tongue and devouring his saliva with her....!!!


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