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Hii my berries...
I hope you all are doing well
There is something I want to say

"Stop trying to impress people. Impress yourself, stretch yourself and be the best version of you that you can do"

Take care of yourself Cause you all are very precious to me and your family!

Ok ok... enough now
Let's begin the story...

His mind is filled with anger..he knows that y/n can't run now then where she is gone.

He called his men and instructed them to find y/n as soon as possible.

He is now burning in anger.
Within seconds many guards come and start finding y/n.

Tahir - FIND HER NOW!!!!

He shouted in the hospital and then many doctors also came.

He sat down on a chair trying to hold his anger....he is continuously stamping his foot on the ground.

Everyone gulped their saliva looking at his aura...they felt their hands and legs trembling out of fear.

Suddenly he stands up from the ground and spare a glare at everyone.

Suddenly he stands up from the ground and spare a glare at everyone

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One doctor came in front of him trembling

Doctor - Wha...what happened lord.

Doctor sat down on the floor lowering his head.

Doctor - we ar...are sorr...sorry.

Tahir - Where is CCTV!???

The doctor looked at him shocked and a little confused cause till now the hospital staff don't know the reason for Tahir's anger.

Tahir - I said WHERE IS CCTV ROOM!!!???

He shouted making everyone flinch.

The doctor who was near tahir foot gets faint because of nervousness and fear.

Tahir glared at his fainted body as an old aged compounder came in front and said in clam tone.

Budha compounder - son....what happened!??why are you so angry!??

Tahir glared at him and he lowered his eyes.


Tahir again shouted making everyone shocked.

DEADLY OBSESSION #THVWhere stories live. Discover now