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Hey berries...
I hope you all are fine and happy!!
Thanks for your support and being with me these days...I will really try to update as fast as I can and I'm sorry for all the inconveniences...!!!💜
Let's stop my bakbak and start the story



Y/n - Where is that Bastard!!WHERE ARE YOU TAHIR FUCKING SINGH!!

I Screamed aloud trying to control my anger but i just can't!!

Agghhhh...I don't know where that Bastard is...I need to talk to him...how the hell he can kill whoever he wants to besides he is my friend...

Suddenly my eyes filled with tears as my..my child... childhood friend...is...is no..more 🥺

I was going downstairs finding Tahir but suddenly I saw her...the maid!!

Y/n - This maid...what is she doing??

I followed her to the kitchen room!!
I hide behind the wall and see her..!!
She put the breakfast on two plates and then...👁️👁️
She...she put some powder in one plate.
She looked here and there and covered the plates with another one!!
Then she went away

Y/n - How dare she put something in plates...I have to stop Tahir from eating this..I have to save- what the hell!!

Suddenly I remember the dead body of my childhood...my Naman. He...he killed him!!

Y/n - No why the hell I will save that Tahir kamina..let him die!!
I wiped my tears off then went again in his search

I was roaming around in his search and suddenly I caught him..... laughing
WTF he laughs too

Y/n ( thought) - he looks handsome when he smiles

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Y/n ( thought) - he looks handsome when he smiles..he is cute!!his smile is so beau-

Suddenly he looked towards me and our eyes got locked


Y/n and Tahir's eyes got locked with each other...this is their 2nd time when their eyes met... she slowly started walking towards him!!

Tahir - What happened doll..you should rest you're pregnant now!!

Suddenly y/n's mind started flashing her last day...she felt her body becoming hot from the anger which suddenly appears in her from his words!!

She held his collar and said gritting her teeth together..

Y/n - what do you think of yourself huhh!!??how could you kill anyone you wants...he was my fucking best friend.

She started breathing heavily trying not to speak more to him cause his face was already red with his dark and devilish eyes...she could feel him clenching his fist trying not to harm her!!

Tahir - You're mine...you're only mine....how could someone hug you and touch you... your body Your soul your touch your hug your kisses you're Everything is mine!!you fucking belongs to me Mrs. Y/n Tahir Singh

Y/n - just shut up!! I'M MINE...I am not yours or anybody..you can acquire my body but for acquiring my soul you need to earn it!!...First go and become a...a good person then I will only hug you and fuck you too!!,

Tahir smirked and pulled her closer to himself and whispered in her ears!

Tahir - but you're carrying my little flesh!!

Y/n - And how did this come here... I'm pregnant but how...I don't remember anything ohh how will I remember, you just fucking give me Doses to do fun na!
Listen Mr. Tahir fucking Singh this is my baby....you just wanted me for your fun !!why don't you leave me now...and....and find another...ano...another girl!!

Suddenly y/n felt her head spinning around!!

Tahir came forward to hold her but she stopped him showing her hands to him
Tahir could feel the pain and disability in each and every word.

Y/n - Don't touch me tahir....don't, you know wh.. what because of you..I wanted to die...you are such a womenzier!! Just for your satisfaction you deceive women's and use them!!suc...such a Bastard!!I hate the fac...fact that my child is you... your flesh!!

She sat on the floor crying and Screamed while Tahir was just observing her actions and trying to digest her words!!This is the first time when he felt so weak and disgusted..........!!

Y/n - You killed everyone but you ever thought what will happen to their loved ones...you...you kidnapped me manipulate my parents even killed my friend who was...was like brother to me!!Did you ever think about me, my family , naman's family..his...his baby!! How will his small child will... survive without a...a father.

Suddenly the memories of Tahir with his father flashed in his mind....their smiling faces...a cheerful life..but!
But one day everything changed when his father got killed by his business partner and he had to raise alone without his father!!

Y/n - you raped many girls but have you ever thought what will happen when..someone raps..me or...or our.....our baby....what will happen when someone kills your mom!!you will-

Suddenly y/n feels the spins hard and the next moment she was on the floor laying unconscious..!!

Tahir - Y/N

Tahir runs and holds her head in laps.
He shouted at the driver and took her to the hospital.

After some hours

Tahir is in hospital.

Tahir - Everything is my fault.

??? - Tahir??

He felt one hand in his shoulders

Tahir - Jay...she..she is!!

Saying this tahir started crying. It is the first time when he is crying after his father's death!!

Jay hugged him tightly and started rubbing his back!!

After some time the doctor came out from the ICU.

Tahir - What...what happened to my wife.

Doctor - lord.. actually she...she is_____!

What happened to y/n ??


Heyy berries...
Sorry for being late.
Actually my phone got broken so it took so long!!
Sorry for the late update.
Please show some love and support
It encourage me to write more.
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