Chapter 5:

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*Masha has been in the bathroom all morning vomiting and getting terrible morning sickness due to her being pregnant*

Ana woke up to the sound of her fiancé vomiting, she climbed out of bed quickly checking on Avery making sure that she didn't wake up due to the sound of Masha vomiting and thankfully she didn't. Ana "Baby are you okay", she asked her fiancé with a bit of concern. Masha "It's bound to happen, I'm pregnant", Ana "I know baby. How long have you been in here"? Masha checked her phone, Masha "two hours I think", Ana "And you didn't come get me, why"? Masha "you were peacefully sleeping and I didn't wanna wake you, it's that simple", Ana "you're supposed to wake me, I'm supposed to get up for you. I'm your fiancé, I'm here to take care of you. Of you're sick or need anything you come get me. Literally come get me", Masha "okay next time I will. I wanna take a nice cool bath. I'm so hot, and a bit dehydrated. I haven't been able to drink anything because it's Just gonna come right back out", Ana "okay here's what we're gonna do, you stay here and I'll be right back in a few minutes", Masha "okay", Ana left the bathroom for a few minutes. She grabbed a a water bottle filling it with ice and cold water. She then grabbed a small bag of ginger soft candies. Masha "what did you bring the whole kitchen with you, lol". Ana turned in the bath water, putting in the plug so the water could fill up, the water was warm but a tad bit cold as well but of course not too cold. Ana threw in Masha's favorite bath bomb and added a few bubbles. Ana "alright let's get you undressed and in here", Ana helped Masha undress and then helped her in the tub. Ana " just relax honey", Masha "what are those", Ana "gummy ginger bites", Masha "that can't possibly be delicious", Ana "it might not be delicious but it'll help your stomach and your sickness. Come open up", Masha "I'm not eating that", Ana "quit being a baby and open up before I pride your mouth open", Masha "fine", she opened her mouth and Ana fed her the gummy, upon her reaction, Ana knew she didn't like it. Ana also gave her some water, which she drank quite slowly because she didn't wanna throw it back up. Ana couldn't stop doing talking to their baby in Masha's tummy. Masha "do you wanna come in here with me, I'd be more comfortable in your lap", Ana "of course", Ana got undressed, and got in the tub with her fiancé. Masha "I love you so much, I just being in your arms. You mean so much to me", Ana "and you mean the world to me, you, Avery and our baby", Avery "mommy, mommy", Masha "aww man I was enjoying this", Ana "it's okay. I'm sure Srna or one of them will tend to her", Masha "but babe she's asking for me. She's gonna want my chest, she's gonna wanna lay on my bare chest. She's gonna want to feel me", Ana "calm down babe. We could get out. Avery meet us in the room, we're coming baby", Ana climbed out the tub first, wrapping herself in a towel and then doing the same to Masha as she came out. The two of them walked to their room and as soon as they got to the room Avery was already in Masha's arms. Masha "mommy's here". Avery "I'm tired", Masha "I know you are baby. I know you are baby. Shh mommy knows what you want just let me put my panties on and some shorts", Avery "mommy please", she said in a sleepy voice. Masha "babe pass me my shorts, they are right there beside you, the pink ones", Ana tossed the shorts over to her and she slid them on, climbing into the bed next to Avery, Avery laid beside her, clinging on to her. Masha softly sang a short lullaby and as a she sang Avery fell asleep, Ana closed the room door and fell asleep besides both of her girls.

Ana woke up to Masha trying to get Avery who wouldn't stop crying to fall back asleep, Ana "what's wrong", Masha "fever, 103. It wrong go down, she's been like this all night, I tried waking you for help but you were completely knocked out like a infant", Ana "I'm sorry baby", Masha "It's okay but can you help me deal with her, I felt the baby kick a couple of times but I'm still having morning sickness", Ana "don't worry I'll take care of the both of you my beautiful girls", Avery had a very nasty cough, a very nasty cough. She was getting a sore throat on top of the fever, and the massive headache that wouldn't go away", Ana "come on honey, follow me to the kitchen let's let mommy sleep", Avery "okay". She followed her to the kitchen, Ana "I want you to sit down and eat some of this soup, it's absolutely okay if you don't finish it. Just eat what you can", Avery "okay momma", she sat at the table eating while watching some tv, Srna "It's pretty early don't you think", Ana "yeah I know but I have no choice but to be awake. Masha's having bad morning sickness because of her pregnancy and our daughter has got a fever over 100, along with a sore throat and a rough headache", Srna "sorry", Masha "ANA", she screamed absolutely terrified after she noticed blood on her shorts, she fell to the floor screaming in agony and in pain. Ana ran up the stairs and to the bedroom, Masha "I don't know what's wrong, I'm bleeding. I'm scared. What if we lose the baby, babe I'm scared, I'm so scared", she cried. Ana grabbed her phone and called for an ambulance. Ana carried her fiancé down the stairs as the paramedics arrived, Srna "what's wrong", Ana "she's bleeding, watch Avery", Ana climbed in the ambulance holding her fiancé's hand as they rode to the hospital. The nurse approached Ana, Ana "is she okay? Did we lose our baby"? "no. What your fiancé is currently experiencing blood vessels that are developing in her uterus area, it's totally normal for the bleeding to occur during early pregnancy", Ana "Are you sure? Is the baby's heart normal", "yeah, everything's good for both and your baby. We gave her some medicine for the pain she's going experience a bit more of what she's going through", Ana "can I take her home", "we wanna keep her for observation for about one more hour to make sure her and the baby are healthy, after that I'm sure she'll be able to be discharged", Ana "can I please see her my fiancé", "Of course, right way", Ana "hey beautiful", she said taking her hand. Masha "babe", Ana "shh you're okay. You and the baby are fine, and what you're experiencing is totally normal", Masha "I thought we were gonna lose Ashton", Ana "we're not, he's okay and so are you baby girl", Ana kissed her head. Ana showed her a picture of her most recent ultrasound, Ana "see he's okay, he's looking very healthy", Masha smiled. Ana kept talking to her fiancé keeping her in a good mood despite them being in the hospital. Ana's phone started ringing, Masha "who is it", Ana "it's Srna, probably calling to check and see how your doing. Hey, what's up", Srna "hey. How is she", Ana "she's doing okay, she's doing well and so is our baby. He's healthy and things look great", Srna "thanks good. I was so worried", Ana "aww so sweet. Hopefully soon we could get out of here and get back home", Srna "yeah", Ana "is anyone else awake", Srna "Leanne is awake, as well as Elena and Skylor. But the others are still asleep", Ana "that's good. How's our daughter"? Srna "fever is the same nothing changed. Cough is bad as well but the headache is gone", Ana "could I talk to my baby", Srna "of course", Ana "hello. Baby girl, it's momma". Avery "hi momma. Is mommy okay", Ana "mommy's fine baby girl and so is your baby brother", Avery "I miss you", Ana "I know. We miss you too", Avery "I want mommy. I want her or you to hold me", Ana "I know baby, I know", Ana heard over the phone as her and Masha's daughter broke out in tears. Ana "aww baby please don't cry. Listen go to our bedroom and close the door. Tell me when your in the room", Avery "I'm in the room momma", Ana "please don't cry baby. We are gonna be back home soon. The doctors have to make sure that mommy is okay", Avery "I miss you. I want you to hold me momma", Ana "I know baby. I know honey. Do you want one of your aunt's to bring you to me and mommy", Avery "no I just want you to come home", she said while still crying. Ana "guess what baby", Avery "what momma", Ana "mommy's being discharged, and we are coming home", Avery "okay", Ana "just stay in the room and we'll be home soon", Avery "okay".
Ana pushed Masha in a wheelchair and they got to the cab and took it home. Ana helped Masha as they walked to the front door to their house as she was still in such pain from what had happened. Ana took her straight upstairs to their bedroom, their daughter was fast asleep holding one of their shirt's. Masha went over to the bed, stroking her hair behind her ear, and kissed her head. Masha "baby. Mommy's home", Avery had woken up was still a bit tired, Masha "hi baby", Avery climbed into her mom arms, Avery started playing with her mom's hair, Masha kept rocking her back and forth. Ana "medicine", Masha "it's in the bathroom", Masha "are you ready to take some medicine honey", she asked her daughter who was just so attached to her. Avery "yeah", Ana gave her some medicine and then they fell asleep.

(4 months later)
Ana "come on honey. First day of school!! I want so many pictures", Avery "I'm coming mommy", Masha "baby girl, come on we gotta go", Avery "I'm coming", Masha "aww you look so cute", Masha "pictures out front before we leave".

5,676,728 likesMashaKozobrodAnaJurenecFirst day of 6th grade for our 10 year old, she turns 11 next year for any clarification

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First day of 6th grade for our 10 year old, she turns 11 next year for any clarification. Happy first day of school baby girl. Me and momma are so proud of you. Stop growing on us, beginning of the school year then dance season is about to start soon as well and we'll be welcoming baby boy soon. Have a great day princess, we love you so much!!!

Avery held both her parents hands as they headed to her school, Masha "are you excited", Avery "yeah mommy", Masha "you're gonna do so great", Avery "are you and momma going to work today", Ana "no baby today is the photoshoot", Avery "mommy's maternity shoot", Ana "yeah", Avery "does that mean she's giving birth soon", Ana "yeah, you're baby brother will be here soon", Avery "yay. I'm gonna protect him and be the best big sister", Masha "you are. You're gonna be the best big sister out there". Once they approached the school they stood in a line that was for her grade area, and made their way to the field to find her teacher/class. Masha "do you remember who your teacher is", Avery "Ms Killelea and Ms Finkelstein", Ana "the class number", Avery "606", Masha "ooh I see your teacher", Avery hugged her Masha and Ana, before standing in a line behind her teachers. Masha and Ana blew her a couple of kisses before leaving the school, they went to the school nurse to tell the nurse about her anxiety condition and what to do if she ever had an anxiety attack. They left to their house to get ready for their maternity photoshoot.

5,727,728 likes AnaJurenec Hit 9 months today!!This journey has been the best thing I've ever experienced with the love of my life

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Hit 9 months today!!
This journey has been the best thing I've ever experienced with the love of my life. In just a few days baby boy will officially be here, this maternity shoot did take a lot of time but it was definitely worth it. My fiancé is the prettiest mommy ever, and pregnancy sure looks good on her. Can't wait to welcome our baby boy, labor is days away and she could go into labor any moment. So proud of this woman, and our little family.
SrnaKlotz: oh my goodness, this is absolutely beautiful. Masha you're stunning, congratulations on hitting 9 months, can't wait to be an aunt to a baby boy
SkylorSansing: my bestie, oh my goodness this is the cutest and most precious photo ever. I'm so proud of you and can't wait to meet him soon
KelvinOng: my favorite person ever, my dance partner. Congratulations on this amazing photoshoot, you look amazing.
MiljanNojic: love this photo, can't wait to meet my baby boy, so thankful to be the father, and so grateful for the both of you

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