Chapter 6:

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Ana was at work when she got the frantic phone call from her daughter who didn't know what to do to help her mommy who was in labor. Ana "hey baby", Avery "mommy's in labor. Her water broke, she's screaming and she can't move", Ana "what! Are you sure her water broke", Avery "yes momma. Momma she is groaning", Ana "I'm coming, go downstairs and opened the door for daddy", Avery ran out of the bathroom and rushed downstairs to the front door. Miljan "where's mommy"? Avery "she's upstairs", Miljan followed his daughter upstairs. Masha "I can't do this without Ana", Miljan "you're not honey. She's on her way home right now. Just take a few deep breaths with me", he said as he held her hand tightly helping her through the pain. Miljan "honey do you know where mommy is supposed to have the baby", Avery "tub. Downstairs", Miljan "I guess we're going downstairs", Masha "I can't do this without her or doctors", Miljan "your doctor is on her way and Ana is coming right now", *Masha screamed in agony and terrible pain*. Miljan carried her downstairs to the living room, Miljan "could you bring that ball over here", Avery "this one daddy", Miljan "yeah honey. And get your mommy some water, and ice", Avery "okay", she said before going to the kitchen getting some cold water and ice for her mom. Miljan held her in his lap, trying his best to help her get through the pain. Miljan "hey hey. Do daddy a favor", Avery "yeah", Miljan "take her shorts off", Avery "what", she said absolutely scared for her mom. Miljan "just take her shorts off honey", Avery did what she was told, Miljan "breathe honey, just breathe. Squeeze my hand", Masha "I need Ana", she said crying. Avery "daddy what do we do to help her", Miljan "just keep her talking", Avery "what are you doing daddy", Miljan "we have to make sure that the floor is covered in towels just in case", Masha had been on her knees in terrible pain, the yoga ball helped a bit as Masha used the ball to not think about the pain, Miljan "momma's on the phone, tell her what's going on", Avery "okay daddy", Avery went over to the window trying to see if Ana's car was around, Ana "what's going on? How's mommy"? Avery "she's okay, she's in a lot of pain. She's using the yoga ball, but she's in a bad amount of pain and she needs you momma", Ana "I'm trying honey, I am. There is so much traffic, and I'm doing the best I can", Avery "momma I'm scared for her", Ana "she's gonna be okay. What's daddy doing", Avery "he's helping her, he put a couple of towels on the floor just in case", Ana "that's good. So good. Listen put the phone next to her, on speaker", Avery "okay", Avery put the phone next to Masha and put it on speaker, Ana "hey baby girl. I'm in the car, trying to get home to you. There is so much traffic out here, there was some kind of accident and some areas are closed. I'm trying honey, I am", Masha "I can't do this without you, I need you", Ana "I know baby. I know. I'm coming", Masha "it hurts so bad baby", Ana "I got in contact with the doctor she's five minutes away. Thank you Jesus, I'm on the tunnel, I should be home in about five minutes", Avery opened the door for the doctor, Audrey "where's your mommy sweetie", Avery "she's over here", Ana pulled into their driveway and rushed inside the house. Ana "im here love, I'm right here", Masha "thank you for being here", Ana "I'm always gonna be here baby", Audrey "let's get her in here so we could start this birth", Miljan went to her a washcloth with cold water on it, Ana helped take Masha's panties off, her and the doctor helped Masha in the tub. Ana held her hand, kissing her head, Ana "you're doing so good baby girl", Masha "it hurts", she groaned. Ana looked over to their daughter who was absolutely terrified of the pain her mother was going through, Ana "stay with her, I'm gonna take Avery upstairs", Miljan "okay". Ana took Avery by her hand and led her upstairs to her bedroom. Ana sat on her bed next to her, Avery "why is she in so much pain", Ana "when a woman goes into labor it could be the most painful thing ever. That's what mommy's going through. If your scared to watch you are more than welcome to stay up here, you could put your headphones on, when it's all over I'll come get you", Avery hugged her tightly, Ana "just stay here and be as brave as you can be", Avery "okay". Masha "ANA", Ana rushed back downstairs to be by Masha's side. Audrey "this baby is coming, she's completely dilated", Masha "I want it to be over", she cried. Ana quickly changed into a swimsuit and climbed into the tub, Masha sat in her lap. Audrey "you're doing so good honey, so good",
Ana held Masha's hands tightly, Audrey "sweetie I know it's painful but I need you to keep your legs open. Because on the next contraction that you feel you need to push honey", Masha started crying completely terrified of the experience of giving birth but luckily Ana was there to keep her going. Audrey "Masha come on big push", Masha squeezed Ana's hand and pushed as hard as she could. Audrey "good girl, keep going. Come on honey. Keep pushing honey. You're doing so good, just keep pushing", Masha screamed. Ana felt for her, kissing her head. Trying her best to keep her fiancé calm, Audrey "keep pushing honey, come on", Masha "I can't".
Ana "baby girl yes you can. Don't say you can't, I need you to keep pushing as hard as you can", Masha pushed a few more times. Baby's head coming out, Masha rested her head on Ana's shoulder, Ana "just breathe baby. You're doing so good, baby boy's head is out", Masha cried, she was still pain. Ana "you're doing so good. So good", Miljan also kissed Masha's head, telling her how proud he was of her for not giving up. Audrey gave Masha a ten minute break seeing that she was in a terrible amount of pain it was okay for her to be given a break. Masha screamed loudly in pain when she felt a bad contraction, Ana "shh. Shh baby", she said kissing her on the cheek, Audrey "Masha I want you to start pushing again. I know you wanna meet your son, come on honey", Masha started pushing again, Audrey "good girl. Keep going honey. You're doing so great honey, so great. Keep pushing, I'm gonna help you and and pull him out while you push. Don't stop pushing honey", Masha tightly held the hands of her fiancé while pushing as hard as she possibly could, and while she pushed Audrey helped by gently pulling the baby. Masha let out the most intense scream as she felt the baby on his way out. Masha rested her head on Ana's shoulder finally resting and feeling the relief she needed after having their son in such a difficult delivery. Miljan cut the baby's umbilical cord, Ana kissed her on the head whispering in her ear how proud she was of her. Once Audrey cleaned the baby off she placed him on Masha's chest, she wrapped her arms around the tiny baby, in happiness that there baby boy was finally born. Just the little grip baby boy hand wrapped around Masha's finger melted their hearts.
Ana "that was pretty rough but I'm so freaking proud of you. You did so amazing baby", Masha looked up at her fiancé kissing her, Miljan "more than happy right now", Ana "I'm gonna go get Avery", Masha "okay", Ana grabbed a towel making her way upstairs to her daughter's room. She was fast asleep and had fallen asleep while watching a movie. Ana kneeled down next to her bed gently dragging her finger up and down Avery's arm. Ana "baby girl", Avery "mmm", Ana "it's momma, can you wake up", she said talking to her sleepy child. Avery sat up slowly rubbing her eyes, Ana "guess what", Avery "my baby brother's here", Ana "yep, do you wanna meet him", Avery "yes", she happily said while trying to wake up. Ana "do you want to put your bathing suit so you can climb in the tub with mommy", Avery "yeah", she went over to her dresser going through her drawer pulling out one of her swimsuits and put it on. Avery "momma can you hold me, I'm still tired", Ana "of course baby", she said picking her up, carrying her downstairs back to their living room. Avery smiled really happily when she saw the baby in her mom's arms. Not wanting her to slip or fall Ana helped her in the tub next to her mother. Avery rested her head on her mom's shoulder just admiring her baby brother.

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