Ch.10 - A New Friend

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A few months have past since I started school. Almost everyone has been nice for the most part. I say almost because as I suspected Katrina was being a pest. By that I mean she was practically bullying me. Its wasn't anything too serious though. Just some petty stuff like writing all over my desk and stuff which I easily cleaned off with my slime. Another time she pushed my cafeteria trey on to my clothes while giving a fake apology. I shrugged it off and just cleaned it up using my slime as per usual.

Some people suggested to tell the teacher or to fight back but I just told them it's not worth the effort and that I didn't want to stoop to her level. After a month of this Katrina then started to take things up a notch by spreading false rumor thus putting me in the predicament i'm in now.

Not knowing what the rumor was I decided to confront her about it in the school, however even that seemed to failed. No one believed me and I was effectively isolated from everyone else. I Didn't even have one friend. The ones I did make ended up leaving after the rumor spread. I didn't tell my father about this because I didn't want him to worry. So I pretended everything was fine. One day I decided to stay after school for some school work I finished early. With that, I decided to walk around the school.

When suddenly I heard a violin playing a familiar tune. I opened the door where the sound came from and saw a girl with beautiful long black hair and dark skin standing near the window as the light from the sunset glowed on her body as she turned away from the window intently focused on playing the song.

I stood there entranced by her violin playing and when she finished. I couldn't help but clap which seemingly got her attention. "That was amazing. Your playing was so majestic and beautiful I can barely describe it."

"Oh um I hadn't realized you were here." the girl said placing her violin on a stand "My name is Sauda whats your name."

"Oh My name is Sumiko."

"Oh thats a japanese name, are you?"

"Oh yeah I was born and raised in japan. My family moved here recently."

"I see, Oh wait I think I heard about you." Sauda said making me worried. "There have been a few nasty rumors circling around you."

Hearing that made me nervous. I was hoping I could be friends with her but if she heard the rumors about me then she probably wouldn't want to get involved with me.

"However I tend to not care about such things." Sauda said causing me to look up."Especially if said rumors are spread by Katrina. She is a natural liar. Besides I rather judge a person with my own eyes than rely on another person's point of view since their perspectives may be skewed."

"Wait so does that mean, do you think we can be friends?" I asked hopfully

"Friends huh. Well I don't have many of them since they fear Katrina. But since your and outcast like me it should be fine."

"What do you mean outcasts?"

"Oh well similarly to you Katrina spread nasty rumors about me and because of that I became ostracised from everyone else."

"I see, Katrina, she acts too much like a villain." I said uncomfortably

"I know right anyway since you're here I have a question."

"Oh really , what is it?"

"If you haven't joined a club yet, would you mind joining the music club with me?"

"Wait really? Are you sure you want me to join?"

"Yeah right now its just me and one other person. They're not here right now though. They had detention today."

"O-oh I see, so do they usually get detention?" I asked

"Not usually, only when they pull a prank on Katrina and some of the other girls."

"Does Katrina really have that much influence?"

"Sadly yes, she is one of the daughters of an influential pro hero. She takes advantage of that fact so whatever she says is usually taken as gospel."

"Seriously, do you think their parent knows about this?"

"Probably not." Sauda said "By the way do you know how to play an instrument?"

"An instrument? No why? Wait is this an instrumental club?"

"Yeah it is , you didn't know before coming in?" Sauda asked

"Well, I was too enraptured by your violin playing to really pay attention to the sign." I said scratching my head nervously

Sauda chuckled "Well I'm glad you liked my playing. Even if you don't know how to play an instrument I can always teach you." Sauda said "Do you want to learn."

"Ah sure I'd love that. Can you teach me to play the piano?"

"Oh course, the piano was actually my first instrument."

-Later that Day-

Sometime later once the club was over I made her way home ever so cheerfully smiling ear to ear. When I entered my current family home my father who was reading a newspaper took notice of my expression.

"You seem awfully happy, did something good happen at school?"

"Huh yeah, I joined the music club today. I'm gonna learn to play the piano!"

"Oh really that seems nice."

"Sumi!!!" Seina shouted running down the hallway before colliding into me, giving me a hug. "You're finally back! That means we can play!"

"Yup, so what do you want to play today?" I asked her

"Can we play Mario Kart today!" Seina asked

"Sure why not," I said

"Great!" Seina exclaimed as she grabbed my arm and started pulling me towards our room

"Hold on what do you girls want for dinner?" Father asked

"Well eat whatever you make dad!" I responded.

"I then went to me and my sister's room and played video games with her until it was time to go to bed.


A/n: Forgot to place this picture in the last here.

so here

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