Chapter Two - Honest Mistakes?

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The moment I opened my eyes, I was propped against the cool headrest of a luxury car. The atmosphere was elegant and unfamiliar. If not for my hands tied up so tightly around my back, I would have thought somebody took me out for a joy ride. But someone in the car noticed that I have regained consciousness so he covered up my eyes. Out of fear and curiosity, I didn't dare fight back. I just leaned my back on the cold seat of the limousine and hung around for the faith that awaits me.

I've never been in a limousine before. Although my family is rich and well-known, father never wanted us to buy things that are not really needed or just as a mean to show off our wealth. I have been trained since pre-school, to live life normally as I could. Even my twin sister and I were enrolled in different schools. That's why we're never that open with each other. We were like strangers living under the same roof; no talking, no sharing secrets. We just eat at the same table, and share the same meals. As much as we look alike, my sister and I are very different within. I love to have fun and hang out with my friends while she opts to remain indoors and watch those horror films stocked in our entertainment set. At school days, she never studies; while I had my back aching from excessive reading in the library, yet she's the one who gets the highest grades while I only get average-ish? Unfair! It's an understatement.

I was pulled back from my train of thoughts when I realized that the car has stopped moving. Just as I suspected, someone starts grabbing me out of the car. I hesitantly followed. Why should someone want to kidnap me? We may be rich but in a community like ours, we're only middle-class. The guy kept dragging me to some sort of beach resort for I can smell the sea air as he kept pulling me inside. I had not known any beach resorts nearby. I wonder how far I am from home now. The guy forced me to sit in a soft sofa and finally spoke.

 "Sit here and don't do anything stupid," a husky voice said which made me nod my head as quickly as I could.

 "What do you want from me?" gathering every ounce of my courage, I asked.

 "Shut up!" was the reply. And I never spoke again. I just cried as silently as possible.

Now that my eyes are covered, I become reliant on my other senses. I tried to broaden my hearing span and heard someone talking on the phone.

 "Yes, we got the girl. She's right here in the villa. Her parents don't know that she's missing yet," said the guy who spoke to me earlier.

 "No. Wait. I'm not sure. You never mentioned she's got a twin sister!"

 "Alright. I'll figure it out. I'll call you back."

What was that all about? I wondered. Whatever this is, it has something to do with Celine. That guy just mentioned her. Could it be that they just mistaken me for my twin sister? The guy drew near me and began to ask.

 "Hey, girl, answer truthfully if you want this to end peacefully." He shouted. And I just nodded.

 "What's you name?" he asked.

 "Ce—-Cerise." I said, trembling. "I'm Cerise."

 "Cerise? So you're the one who graduated in Phoenix, right?"

 "Yes, that's me." I said. "Maybe you just mistaken me for my sister, you see, I don't have someone who wants to kidnap me like this and—."

 "Quiet! Just answer what I want you to answer. Understand?" He shouted.

 "Y—-Yes." I replied.

 "Good. Now stay here." He went away and left me all alone in that room. For the first time in my life, I felt so scared and isolated.

No one took off the cover in my eyes; I remained blinded in that room. I felt that no one was there. And from the scent of it, it felt that I am in a seaside, the salty air was passing by my face. The calmness was soothing, it was also terrifying and it reminds me that I am here all alone, with my family having no idea that I am being held against my will. My fear grew when I heard heavy footsteps approaching. It was heading this way. I felt cool breath against my face when he spoke.

 "Hello, Celine."

I flinched. The voice was not familiar but I am damn sure the guy speaking was just my age or a maybe younger than me.

 "Who are you?" I asked.

There was a sinister laugh in the room. It was as if the guy was enjoying some kind of private joke.

 "Now you don't remember me, do you? I told you I will make you mine. And you wouldn't like the way I'm gonna do it."

 "I'm not Celine."

 "Yeah. Yeah. You can play that game with my dumb men but you you can't fool me Celine, I am well aware of how smart you are. Aren't you going a little overboard by using your twin sister just to escape?"

He laughed. He was so convinced that I am not who i insist I am. But seriously, never imagined Celine to have such a desperate admirer like this one. I wonder why she rejected him.

 "Look. If you don't want to believe me, then don't. Just do some research and you'll see I m not the one you are looking for. And please, stop bothering my sister, if she doesn't like you, get over it, okay? Think about it. And while you're on it, you can let me go so I can come home, right?" I said, trying to sound cool and childish, far, far from how my sister spoke.

I was smiling like a child asking for candy, believing that this guy will have some mercy and let me go. But he stood silently. I could not hear him anymore but I can feel his essence close to my body. Then, he touched my face and slowly took off the cloth that was covering my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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