A deep slumber

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Luo Binghe opened his eyes slowly. He hadn't slept in a long while, so this night's sleep was exceptionally good. He looked over and saw that Shen Qingqiu still had his eyes tightly closed. Luo Binghe Let out a noise of disappointment. He thought it unfair that he would always have to be the one to wake up first.

He gazed at the other's pale face for a little while. Shen Qingqiu's lips were a bit chipped, so Luo Binghe carefully placed his hand on them, using his energy to heal them right back up. Shen Qingqiu didn't move. Nothing could disturb this slumber.

After a while of just watching the man, Luo Binghe decided that it was time to get up. He placed a soft kiss on Shen Qingqiu's cheek and adjusted the blanket around him before he got up. As he made his way over to the closet to dress, he looked back a couple of times to admire the man on his bed.

Luo Binghe couldn't believe that he once hated this man so much. How could he hate someone so beautiful? Just a shame that he hadn't realized sooner. So many things wouldn't have had to happen.

He sighed and started getting dressed. Normally he wouldn't have had to move a finger, but since he had dismissed the entirety of his harem, of course none of the women could dress him or make his hair. But he didn't want them to either. There was only one person he wanted to make his hair.

Luo Binghe sat beside Shen Qingqiu and brushed his own hair. Thoughtlessly he made a small braid before bringing the hair back into a ponytail. He had worn his hair like this ever since he had met the other Shen Qingqiu and he didn't think he would ever change that.

"Shizun?" Luo Binghe asked sweetly, "Do you want me to do your hair?"

No answer. The man laying under the blankets stayed silent. Luo Binghe smiled. He had expected nothing more. Carefully he picked the man up from underneath the blankets and pulled him onto his lap. Shen Qingqiu limply fell against his chest, but he didn't stir even now.

"Still slumbering so deeply…" Luo Binghe mumbled as he started to brush Shen Qingqiu's long hair. He paused for a moment to bury his nose in the hair, inhaling Shen Qingqiu's scent deeply. He still couldn't get over how good the man smelled. Even now…

It annoyed Luo Binghe that it smelled slightly soapy though. But it couldn't be helped. He had to wash him after all.

"What hairstyle do you want today, Shizun? A bun? A ponytail like me? Or maybe a braid?" Luo Binghe asked. No answer. "Personally I like it when you wear your hair open. You look so incredibly beautiful like that."

Luo Binghe laid the brush aside and silently admired his work. "So very beautiful," he muttered. He cupped Shen Qingqiu's face and pressed a kiss on the man's lips. They were cool, but it tingled when Luo Binghe kissed them. He didn't know why, but he liked the feeling. Although otherwise would be a lot better.

"I let Mobei buy new tea yesterday. The very bitter one that you always drank. I'll brew you a cup later."

Luo Binghe reached out and carefully, with one finger, he pushed up one corner of Shen Qingqiu's mouth.

"Oh! You're smiling," he said happily, "I'm glad that you're happy."

Shen Qingqiu didn't react. He slowly started to slide out of Luo Binghe's arms and threatened to fall on the floor.

"No no no," Luo Binghe said playfully, "You're staying here, Shizun. But don't worry. I'll put you on the bed now. I have tea to brew after all."

He slowly lowered the unresponsive man onto the bed, careful not to ruffle his hair again. Luo Binghe quickly went off to the kitchen and started preparing the water. As he worked, he quietly hummed the melody of a song he once had to practice when he was still part of Cang Qiong Mountain. Back then he had had only one day to memorize it before he had to play it. Shen Qingqiu was pissed when he had managed to deliver it without a single mistake.

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