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It's been almost a week since what had happened between Melaina and Megumi. When Melaina confessed to him, Kugasaki and Itadori entered the room but they didn't notice anything between them. However, when they got back to the school, Gojo noticed it.

"Yo! Megumi-Chan, how's everything?" Gojo swung his arm over the raven hair boy's shoulders, making him a bit irritated that he doesn't know personal space.

"Tsk. . . Everything's fine." Megumi lied straight through his teeth. But Gojo knew that was lie, knowing the boy since he was in the first grade.

"I see. . . I actually have a mission for you and Melaina. Last one before Shibiya." Megumi's body tensed up hearing the girl's name.

"Why don't you put the Second Years to do it?They're always here, aren't they?" The boy had a point but Gojo didn't care. Kugasaki and Itadori gave him a great plan for the whole thing.

"True! But I need you and Melaina to do this mission, it requires skills like you two to do." Gojo smiled at the boy, but he just clicked his tongue in annoyance and just went off to tell his classmate. The white haired man giggled to himself, knowing that his plan was going to go perfectly.


Melaina and Megumi were droven by Gojo and Ijichi to downtown Tokyo where they'll be staying for 3 days for their mission.

"Which hotel are we staying exactly?" Melaina annoyingly asked her teacher who just turned back to look at his student.

"The most beautiful and recommended hotel for the most best students I have!" Gojo clasped his hands together with a bright smile, but neither did the two buy it.

"It's just three days, Gojo-San. Why would we need to stay at a 'beautiful and recommended' hotel?" Megumi annoyingly asked Gojo but knew he was going to ask this sooner or later.

"Just Thank me later you two!" Gojo turned back around only for Megumi and Melaina to look at each other but look away. Once they arrived, Gojo took the two inside the hotel without them looking at the sign.

"Hello, reservation from Gojo Satoru." Gojo told the man from the front and he lended him the gold key and the two students followed him to the elevator and to the top 8th floor. While walking to their room, they heard a loud thud but shook it off. Arriving at their door, their eyes were opened in shock.

"Okay, don't call or text me until the mission is done. Have fun~" Gojo left the room, locking it before the two looked at the room with such curious eyes. There was a shower that only had beads covering around it and the bed was 5 feet away from the shower with a lace curtain around it.

"It's very. . . Decorative." Melaina cringed at the room.

Megumi couldn't help but agree and also wander why Gojo would get them a room like this

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Megumi couldn't help but agree and also wander why Gojo would get them a room like this. It almost looked like a Love Hotel, but he knew Gojo wouldn't put them in a spot like this. . . Right?

"Alright, let's just go find the Curses so we can go back home and get out of this damn hotel." Melaina sighed, throwing her backpack on her bed and walking out the door. Megumi couldn't help but stare at her with so much admire on how Melaina was beautiful.

"You coming or not?" Megumi was snapped out of his thoughts and followed Melaina out of the building and followed wherever she sensed the Curses Gojo had told her about. When they arrived, Melaina and Megumi was met with an abandoned underground fight ring.

"Melaina, I need to talk you." Megumi went to grab her wrist, but she walked forward, not wanting to talk to him.

"What's there to talk about? We confessed each other our feelings but I don't see what's the point of it if we're going to die sooner or later." The red hair girl monotonously told the raven hair boy, but Megumi wasn't giving up.

"Then can we at least try? For the rest of the time we have, let's just try. . . I want you to be my one and only." Melaina stopped and turned around to look at the boy who was already looking at her with determination.

". . . No." Melaina walked off once more, leaving Megumi's heart dropping down to the pit of his stomach. Wanting to cry his heart out and just do what he has left to get her into his embrace, but he wasn't giving up.

"I know what it's like to lose everything right in front of you. Losing those you love most, but Melaina, I'm here for you. Stop pushing me away—." Melaina turned around and pushed Megumi.

"You don't know anything about me, Megumi! Damn it, you don't know what it's like to be beat up to a pulp for the last 6 years of your life! You don't know what it's like to come back home all bruised up and beat, even if someone tells you to take care of yourself! You don't know what it's like to fall into a deep sleep for 5 years and wake up knowing that the whole world hates you because of who and what you are!" Hot tears ran down Melaina's face as Megumi's mouth went dry.

"You act like you know me when you don't know anything. . . I should've killed you when I had the chance." Megumi's eyes shot confusion and felt his stomach drop down.

"Leave, Megumi." Melaina bit the inside of her cheek, almost leaving but Megumi pulled her body to his.

"Please, I'll do anything, Melaina! Leaving is what I'll never do." Megumi begged as his grip around her body got tighter.

"Don't touch me!" Melaina pushed him off her in anger, huffing a bit.

"Everything was fine, I was going to fulfill everything I had planned out, but you. . . When you came into the image, everything changed. . . I knew this would happen. . . And I . . . I let you lived because I felt pity and guilty. . . I should've killed you." Megumi's eyes teared up for the first time and his heart dropped in a million times he could count.

"I took pity in everyone, but I took pity in you most when I found out that these feelings we had for each other. It was a mistake. All of it was." Melaina clenched her jaw in anger as Megumi just ran off.

"I hate it. . . I hate it all. . . All of this. . . All of this was because of you. . . Why can't you do anything right?"

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