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Sasuke rapidly tapped his foot on the ground as his arms were crossed over his chest and hid worried eyes scanned the crowd. Mei had called him earlier that morning that she needed to talk to him about something important.

"Sasuke." His thought were knocked out when he saw Mei standing in front of him, but she was just staring at his chest.

"Is everything okay? Are you hurt?" The man gently cupped Mei's face and checked her but she was fine, yet she was looking anywhere but him.

"I'm fine." Mei simply said, putting her hands on his and put them down away from her face. Sasuke scrunched his eyebrows in confusion as his red orange eyes scanned Mei.

"Peach, I know you're not fine. Did I do something wrong?" Sasuke slightly panicked and Mei shot her head up to look at him.

"No, I'm not fine! None of this is fine!" Mei broke down and Sasuke carefully pulled her into his chest as she cried her eyes out and he took them into a more quiet area at the mall.

"You need to tell me what's wrong, peach. I told you I'll be here for you and I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere." Sasuke softly cupped Mei's face once more and placed his forehead on her's. After calming down, Mei licked her lips and finally made eye contact with her lover.

"You know how sorcerers can't give birth to curses, right?" Mei softly asked and Sasuke gave her a simple nod and then immediately realized it, making his eyes widen in shock.

"Are you. . ?" Sasuke scrunched his eyebrows and took his head off of Mei's and looked down at her stomach.

"Yes." Mei let out a shaky sigh, putting her head down in shame. However, Sasuke felt no shame in it when he placed his hand over her slight bump belly.

"H-How far along are you?" Sasuke stuttered, feeling a small smile appear on his face but Mei still didn't look at her lover.

"At least a month and 6 days." Mei licked her lips once more and finally looked at Sasuke, only find him smiling down at her stomach, making her confused.

"Wait, you're not upset?" Mei lifted his chin for him to look her as his smile stayed but his face went into question.

"Why would I be upset?" Sasuke chuckled and then took her silence as her answer. Standing up straight, Sasuke placed his hands on her hips as her's were resting on his forearms.

"I would never be ashamed of loving a sorcerer, Mei. You mean everything to me, more than my own life." A small smile appeared on Mei's face as her eyes teared up.

"Why think separately of this life than the next? When death takes my hand, I will love you with the other and promise to find you in every lifetime." Sasuke moved a string of her blue hair away from her face and cupped the side of her face.

"That is my promise to you. . . And to our child."


Megumi's hand shook in holding the pregnancy test in his hand as his eyes were still focused on Melaina who just stared at him with teary eyes.

"H-how is this even possible? I thought you couldn't get pregnant because-," Melaina cut him off with a dry scoff.

"Because I'm a curse, Megumi? Yeah no shit, I didn't realize it." Tears ran down her eyes and she let out a another scoff but more softer.

"I. . . If you think having a baby is such a bad thing, then just say it already than both of us being in pain in the end." Melaina approached Megumi, looking up at him as he stared down at her with soft eyes.

"What do you want me to say, Melaina? That I'm happy?" The Ryomen girl heart broke a bit when he said that with his voice very stern.

"Look at the situation we're in, Melaina. Anything could happen to you and I'll blame myself for it because I'm not strong enough to protect you or the baby!" Megumi placed his hands on her shoulders, clutching them a bit.

"Then what is it that you want from me, Megumi?! Just tell me and help me understand!" Melaina swapped his hands away from her shoulders.

"I just want you to be safe, that's all I want!" Megumi shouted back but Melaina knew that he was avoiding the actual topic.

"And the baby? What about them?" Melaina scoffed and the boy just let out a soft sigh, looking somewhere else.

"What about the baby? You just want me to start naming it and start preparing myself to be a father?" Megumi sarcastically asked making Melaina raise her hand and slapped him.

"Not once, Megumi, have I ever been this happy. You make me happy, you fill every moment of my life that I want to spend with you. But if this baby affects you this much, then why did you love me in the first place?" Melaina's tears ran down her face as the two were quiet. The girl just scoffed, turning around to leave to the room but Megumi quickly caught her wrist.

"Megumi, let go of me!" Melaina tried fighting from the raven hair boy who just grabbed her tighter and pulled her to his chest.

"I've always loved you, even when I knew you were different when I first met you." Megumi confessed, making Melaina stop and her eyes widen.

"You. . . Always knew?" Melaina softly asked dropped her arms to her sides but Megumi's grip was still around her delicate frame.

"Sometimes I thought of how my life would be if I spent my whole high school with you, we traveled the world together, get married, have kids." Megumi whispered into her ear, making her body go numb.
Melaina wrapped her arms around Megumi's neck, squeezing him a bit.

"If you need time, then I'll give you whatever you need. . . Just promise me one thing." Melaina whispered and he let out a small hum, wrapping his arms around her slim waist.

"Please don't leave me alone." Megumi's eyes widen and he stuffed his face into her neck, taking in his rosy scent.

"I promise." Megumi whispered back, holding onto that promise.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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