The date

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It was the day of tord and y/n's date. y/n woke up and got dressed. She made herself and coffee and met tord at his car. *Tord was sitting in his car, waiting for y/n to show up. He was starting to get a bit worried because y/n was taking so long. Maybe she wouldn't show up..? Tord got a little sad at the thought of being rejected by y/n. He wanted this date to go well. He really liked her and didn't want to ruin everything..* Y/n stepped out to the car and opened the door.  "Ok time to go how about the diner on the street it's called "Fazbears family diner"  (hehe reference nothing bad gonna happen just thought I'd do that 🥲) *Tord quickly looked up at y/n, still sitting in his car seat. He thought y/n looked really beautiful. Her hair was flowing and she had a smile on her face. Tord got out of the car and started to walk towards y/n. Once he was beside her, he took a breath to calm his nerves. His face was still red, but he was trying to be confident.* "Sounds great!" *Tord replied.* Inside there's a stage 2 large animatronic animals preforming on stage. "Wow look at that let's go sit down.""Okay." *Tord was still a bit nervous. He couldn't help but look at y/n. She was staring at the animatronic animals on stage. Tord looked back at her and said,* "This is... new..." *Tord felt really uneasy. Not only because he was on a date with y/n, but because being in an unfamiliar place around unfamiliar things, made him feel stressed. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. This was supposed to be a fun date..* They sit down and order food. "Okay so I want a heart pancake and some strawberry milk." "What about you Tord?""Okay." *Tord was still a bit nervous. He couldn't help but look at y/n. She was staring at the animatronic animals on stage. Tord looked back at her and took a deep breath supposed to be a fun date tord was starting at y/n staring back at him. Tord had to take a moment to snap back to reality.* "Oh uhm... I'll have... just a regular bacon and eggs omelet. And orange juice, thanks." *Tord replied.* "Mhm! Ok now we wait." OH A CROSSWORD PUZZLE!"*Tord watched y/n pull out a crossword puzzle and begin working on it as they waited. He couldn't help but look at her again. She was so pretty.. He wasn't sure what to talk about. Tord was still trying to get to know y/n. He decided to take a chance.* "Hey y/n.." *Tord started speaking, not even knowing what he was about to say.* There food arrives and y/n picks up one of the heart caramels and pops it in tords mouth. "So how's it tast?"*Tord was caught off guard by y/n's act. He was about to start eating his food when she decided to put a heart caramel in his mouth. It made Tord blush and smile. The caramel was pretty sweet, but it was good.*

*Tord swallowed the caramel.* "I-umm... It's pretty good.." *Tord said, trying to hide the blush he had.* "Ok that's good"*Tord couldn't help but look at y/n. Her beauty was mesmerizing. Tord felt his heart beating a bit faster than normal when he looked at her. He still wasn't sure what to say.* "Can I ask you a question?" *Tord asked, glancing back at her.* "Of course!""Why.. why in the world would you want to go on a date with me?" *Tord asked.* "Well your cute and nice so I just thought I'd take you on a date it's like your "free trial"."*Tords eyes widened at what y/n had said. He felt his face turn a little red.* "A free trial...?" *Tord asked, sounding a bit confused.* "Oh nevermind I make no sense somtimes." 😅 the two finish their food and leave the diner. *Tord followed y/n to leave the I diner once they were done eating. He couldn't help but glance and look at her as they walked out. Tords mind was racing, trying to figure out what y/n had meant with that "free trial" comment.*

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