The Pact goes swimmingly

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Asmo: "Ahahahaha!"

Satan: "Asmodus, keep your voice down. If Mammon hears you, he'll get upset again, and we won't hear the end of it."

Asmo: "Eh, he won't be awake for a while. He's really not a morning demon, you know? And anyway, how can you NOT laugh after what's happened? I mean, this is Mammon, and yet a child was able to play him like a fiddle and force him to a pact. Pf...heheheh. Hey, I hear you laughing, Satan! I know you think it's funny too!"

Beel: "Mm, this is delicious. The meat is so tender..."

Levi: "Beel, calm down. You're biting off chunks of your plate along with your food."

Asmo: "Anyway, I have to say I'm surprised. I never thought an average human like you would be able to make a pact with Mammon-certainly not this fast. I guess they really did know what they were doing when they picked you for the exchange program, huh?"

Y/n: "I did what I could, that's all. Malleus!"


Satan: "There's no need to be humble about it

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Satan: "There's no need to be humble about it. We're not upset. Honestly, we think it's pretty funny."

Levi: "All I know is that I finally to my money back. I should've done this sooner. Now I'll be able to buy the Blu-ray box set of Journey to the Devildom: The Tale of a Little She-Devil and her Reluctant Companion! The initial round of copies includes promotional tickets to a live event as a special bonus! That live event is going to be soooooo epic!"

Asmo: "You know, I find it surprising enough that Y/n managed to make a pact with Mammon... but what's even more shocking is the team-up with Levi that helped make it happen. Don't you think?"

Satan: "Yep I never thought I'd see the day a human won over Levi, but here we are."

Y/n is hyper-focused on his food.

Levi: "Excuse me?! Don't go getting the wrong idea. Nobody won me over! Our interests just happened to align, that's all! The relationship was purely business! I mean, why would I want anything to do with a non-otaku normie, child? I wouldn't!"

Beelzebub: "Cheeseburgers."

Asmo: "You know, the way things are going, the rest of us might just find ourselves in a pact with Y/n if we're not careful. If you had a choice, which one of us would you forge a pact with next, Y/n?"

Y/n: "Hmm. I don't know. You're all amazing!"

Lucifer: "Hmm."

Y/n: "Umm. I guess Beel."

Beel: "Uh-uh. No. Although, if you'd make sure I always had tons and tons of food as much as I could eat- then I'd consider it."

Y/n: "I like food!"

Satan: "...Beel. Have you been reaching over and swiping food off of Y/n's plate this whole time?"

Y/n: "It's fine. Here you can have the rest."

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