The Mystery of Belphegor

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Lucifer: "And then what happened?"

Mammon: "COOOME OOON! How many times are ya gonna make me say it? I was hungry, so I went to the kitchen lookin' for something to eat. And while I was diggin' through the fridge, Beel suddenly came up and attacked me!?"

Beel: "You ate my custard."

Y/n: It was two weeks expired!

Mammon: "No, I DIDN'T eat your custard, Beel. I told ya, I was just holdin' it in my hand, that's all."

Beel: "Liar. You were eating it. I could tell. The lid was off."

Mammon: "Wha? Well, don't look at me. It was probably open, to begin with. I made sure to write my name on it, and you still ate it."

Y/n walks towards the bed to grab a plush.

Lucifer: "No."

Y/n: "Whaaa!"

Lucifer: "Stand next to Mammon. You can have the plush later."

Mammon: "Eh? You wrote your name?"

Beel: "Oh yes. It said: 'Property of Beelzebub. You eat it,  you die.'"

Mammon: "Oh...really? Huh... I never noticed."

Beel: "That was my custard."

Mammon: "You never give up, do ya? But whatever, it doesn't have nothin' to do with me anyway, 'cause Y/n was the one to eat it."

Y/n: "Mammon talked me into doing it."

Mammon: "Wha...hey! Are you tryin' to push the blame onto me now?!"

Beel: "I knew you were behind this before Y/n said anything, Mammon."

Mammon: "Now hold on a second here-"

Y/n: "You should really be careful, Beel. The custard was two weeks expired."

Lucifer: "And you still ate it?!"

Y/n: "Mammon made me do it before I even thought about how long it was in there."

Lucifer: "So, let me get this straight. Mammon was hungry, so he went rummaging for food in the kitchen late at night, and he dragged Y/n with him. That's when he found Beel's custard. Then he talked Y/n into eating the custard-which just happened to be expired. And when Beel saw what was happening, he was so angry that he lost control of himself and went on a rampage. The kitchen ended up getting destroyed, along with Y/n's room, which was on the opposite side of the wall from it. All because of your little prank."

Mammon: "Well, I guess that pretty much sums it up, yeah?"

Beel: "My custard..."

Y/n: "I'll replace it."

Lucifer: "Now listen, and listen well-"

Mammon tackles Lucifer.

Y/n: "I'm listening."

Mammon: "Great you did your reference! Now release your control over me!"

Y/n: "Ok."

Lucifer: "Y/n! First of all, you three-"

Y/n: "I regret nothing!"

Mammon: "Ugh. I can tell this is gonna take forever."

Beel: "It's not fair. I'm the victim here."

Y/n tries to grab the plush from Lucifer's bed.

Lucifer: "Y/n. Get over here. Now!"

Y/n: "Awww. I was so close. Curse these short legs."

Lucifer: "Did you two just say something?"

Mammon: "What? *Whispering* No, nuthin'."

Lucifer: "To begin with, your recklessness has impacted Diavolo-"

Y/n: "Dia!"

Lucifer: "Shush. Diavolo, but also-"

~Three hours later~

Lucifer: "So, now that we've got that straight, I expect each of you to learn  something from all this."

Mammon: " took forever..."

Beel: "I'm hungry."

Lucifer: "Y/n. It seems you won't be able to use your room for some time. You know, since it lacks a wall now. So, for the time being, I want you to stay in Beel's room."

Y/n is already halfway into Lucifer's bed.

Lucifer: "Y/n? Y/n?!"

Y/n: "Go away."

Lucifer picks him up.

Y/n: "Nooooooooooooooo! Mojo!"

Lucifer: "Fine."

Lucifer hands him Mojo-The llama plush.

Mammon: "WHA?! Now just a second. Why are you putting Y/n in his room? I mean, there's enough space in my room, isn't there?!"

Lucifer: "It's a trivial matter, Mammon. Don't get jealous over it. It shows immaturity."

Mammon: "Wha...jealous?! Wh-Wh-Who're you callin' jealous?! As if I'd be jealous...pff! Anyway, Y/n made a pact with me!"

Lucifer: "Your pact is irr-"

Y/n: "Can't I stay here?!"

Lucifer: "No."

Y/n: "Hmph."

Y/n tunes out the rest of the conversation.

Beel: "So this is my room."

There are two beds. Y/n heads to the bed on the left.

Beel: "That's my bed. But it's fine. You go ahead and use it. Don't use the bed on the right. I'll sleep on the couch."

Y/n: "Why?"

Beel: "... The bed on the right is my twin brothers. His name is Belphegor. He's in the human world right now as an exchange student."

Y/n: "You have a twin?"

Beel: "Yeah. We don't look anything alike though. Actually, we're total opposites. Belphie had a falling out with Lucifer, so he was chosen to be an exchange student. Belphie didn't want to go, but he was forced. So don't mention his name in front of Lucifer."

Y/n: "I want to know more about Belphie."

Beel: "Even though we're twins all that means is that our father made us at the same time. It's not like we're alike in any other way. Still, Belphie and I always got along. We used to have a little sister Lilith. So, the three of us were always together: me, Belphie, and Lilith. But that was a long time ago now."

Y/n: "What was she like?"

Beel: "... I don't feel like talking about her right now. When Belphie returns to the Devidom, you'll go back to the human world. Which means you two are never gonna meet each other."

Y/n: I can understand the pain of being away from your twin.


???: "You've got to start by aging their trust. And if you want to, you can't tell them you came here and spoke with me. Whatever you do, don't mention that you came here. Let's see, you should start with... Beelzebub. Yes, he'd be the best choice. You need to get close to him."

~End of Flashback~

Beel: "Why are you staring at me like that? I told you, didn't I? Belphie and I are twins, but we don't look alike."

Y/n: "Can I see a picture?"

Beel: "You know the portrait hall, right? I'm pretty sure there's a picture of him there."

~In hallway~

Beel: "See? Right there, that's Belphie."

Y/n: Stultissime! Malus Nequamque! He lied to me! I knew he wasn't human. He's Belphegor!

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