How To Live VS Leviathan

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Mammon: "Okay, so let's go over this one more time. You want to get into the attic at the top of the stairs. But Lucifer's standing in your way. So, you've got to do something about him. Which is why ya need the cursed vinyl edition of The Tale of the Seven Lords soundtrack. I mean, I don't understand why Lucifer cares so much about somethin' like that either, but whatever. The point is that Levi's got the soundtrack, and ya need to borrow it from him. And the only way to do that is to get him to like you by becoming a big TSL nerd just like him. So, we were up all last night watching a marathon session of every TSL DVD. Now it's time for a review. I'll quiz you to see how well you understand it. We'll start with TSL DVD Volume 2. After falling into a trap set by Henry and the Lord of Shadow, the Lord of Foolf is forced to flee north. When he gets there he finds his former sweetheart's body frozen in ice. What's her name?"

Y/n: "Geldie."

Mammon: "Right. Eh, though anyone could've gotten that right, as easy as it was. All right, let's hit DVD Volume 5 next. Hostile forces from another land invade the Lord of Flies' country, surrounding and isolating him so his people will starve. So, the Lord of Fools tries to help his brother. The Lord of Fools means well, but his efforts backfire. As a result, the Lord of Flies ends up in an even worse situation. The reason for this has to do with the food supply that the Lord of Fools sent. Tell me what happened."

Y/n: "The food has spoiled."

Mammon: "Right. The Lord of Fools really did mean well, but a long rainy spell caused the food he sent to spoil. Ugh. Every time I think of it it makes me want to cry. All right, time to move on. Next up is DVD Volume 7. The Lord of Corruption imprisons the Lord of Emptiness in the Tower of Shadow, refusing to forgive his brother for rebelling against him. The other Lords lament the fate of their youngest brother, but there's nothing they can do to help him. Why is that?"

Y/n: "They are afraid of the Lord of Corruption."

Mammon: "Good. You can do this. You may seem like an airhead, but I've gotta admit, you did pretty well. I'd say you should be able to convince Levi that ya know your stuff at this point."

Levi: "Hey, mini-human."

Mammon: "Speak of the devil..."

Y/n: "..."

Levi: "I heard what you're up to, mini-human. Seems that you're trying to suck up to me so I'll like you."

Mammon: "Whaddya mean? Who told you that?"

Levi: "It's no use playing dumb. I heard it from Lucifer."

Y/n: "Is he a wizard?! How does he know everything?!"

Mammon: "Yeah, how the hell does he end up hearing every single thing that gets said around here?"

Levi: "Not important."

Y/n sneaks off before Levi and Mammon started arguing again.

~Lucifers office~

Y/n: "How do you know everything?"

Lucifer: "Because I'm Lucifer, I hear and know everything that goes on here."

Y/n: "Awwwwwwwww."

Lucifer: "Your hair is a mess."


Mammon: "Mini-human!"

Y/n magically appears.

Y/n: "Let's see who the bigger TSL fan is."

Levi: "What? Where did that come from?"

Y/n: "Lucifer. I really want the soundtrack."

Levi: "Do you seriously think you could beat me in a competition involving TSL? Haha, that's hilarious! As if I'd actually accept a challenge like that. I mean, I already know what the outcome would be."

Y/n: "Afraid of losing?"

Levi: "Excuse me? Did you process anything I just said? Where are you getting this idea that I might actually lose to you?"

Y/n: "I knew it. You are afraid, then?"

Levi: "Excuse me? EXCUSE ME!? Are you processing anything I'm saying here?!"

Y/n: "Leviathan's a chicken!"

Levi: "Hey! Watch your tongue, mini-human!"

Y/n: "Leviathan is an otaku!"

Mammon: "Can't argue there."

Y/n: "Leviathan's a..."

Levi: "Fine. If that's what you want, I'll do it. I accept your challenge. We'll compete to see which one of us loves TSL more, you or me. Just one thing, though. If you lose, you might never make it back to the human world alive. But you still want to do this, right? Okay."

Y/n texts Levi the picture of Mammon crying.

Levi: "This was worth it."

Y/n: "I've got video evidence as well."

Levi: "Send it to me."


Satan: "Hello there, Y/n. I heard about what's happening. It seems you and Levi are going to have a little competition.

Beel: "Are you hoping to find out what's in the attic room? Is that it?"

Y/n: "Yes... There's a ghost!"

Satan: "There's no ghost Y/n."

Y/n: "But someone's calling for help."

Beel: "Huh. You don't say... I'll let you in on a nice piece of information. Levi is the demon of envy. If you can work him into a jealous frenzy, he'll lose control of himself. Then he'll be guaranteed to slip up somehow, giving you an opening you can exploit. Just one thing, though. If Levi does lose control of himself, your life will be in danger."

Y/n: "Thank you."

Beel: "If you want to thank me give me food.  You can buy me a megaton-size bowl of pasta with mixed entrails. And I'd like that topped with sliced anaconda, friend tarantula, and Nile crocodile brains."

Y/n writing it down trying not to throw up.

Y/n: "A-Anything else?"

Beel: "Nope."

Y/n: "I think I lost my appetite. You can have my lunch."

Satan: "I'll give you a piece of advice, too. The DVD version of TSL is up to season 7-"

Satan is interrupted by his D.D.D.

Satan: "How did Levi get a picture of Mammon crying."

Y/n: "He didn't."

Y/n texts the same chat, the video of Mammon sobbing in his room watching TSL.

Satan: "He was sobbing while watching TSL with you!"

Beel: "I was there too."

Y/n: "You came for popcorn."

Satan: "As I was saying. Meanwhile, the original book version is up to volume 8 at this point. Volume 9 of the book isn't out yet. But if you want to know what's going to happen, you should ask Simeon."

Y/n: "Thanks."

Satan: "I'm surprised you're so willing to take my word for this. You aren't concerned I might be lying to you? Eh, though I guess you'll be able to tell when you ask Simeon."

Y/n: "Let me pretend to be a naive ten-year-old. Is there any particular reason why TSL reminds me of you and your brothers? 7 lords seven brothers. You're rulers of Hell. And their personalities line up with each brother perfectly."

Satan: "I never noticed."

Beel: "That was weird."

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