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Y/n, a young woman who works as a marine biologist in the Grand Line. One day, while exploring the ocean with your team, you come across a strange ship. You and your colleagues are curious, so you decide to investigate.

As you approach the ship, you suddenly feel someone grab you from behind. You turn around to see a man with dark hair and piercing blue eyes - it's Rob Lucci, one of the most feared members of the CP-0. He tells you that you're now his captive, and that he needs your help with a mission.

At first, you're terrified and confused. But as you spend more time with Lucci, you begin to see a different side of him. He's not just a ruthless assassin - he's also a man with a complex past and a deep sense of duty. And as you work together to complete his mission, you start to develop feelings for him.

But can you really trust a man who kidnapped you? And will Lucci ever be able to reconcile his violent past with his growing feelings for you?

As you spend more time with Lucci, you start to learn more about him. He tells you about his childhood, growing up in poverty in the East Blue. He explains how he was recruited by the World Government at a young age, and how he's been working as an assassin ever since.

At first, you're appalled by the things he's done and the people he's killed. But as you listen to him speak, you start to understand why he does what he does. He believes that his work is necessary to maintain order in the world, and that sometimes, sacrifices must be made for the greater good.

Despite your growing feelings for Lucci, you can't shake the feeling that you're in danger. You know that if he completes his mission, he'll have no use for you anymore. And even if he does have feelings for you, he's still a member of the CP-0 - a dangerous organization with no allegiance to anyone but the World Government.

As you help Lucci with his mission, you start to devise a plan to escape. But every time you get close, something seems to go wrong. And as the deadline for Lucci's mission approaches, you realize that time is running out.

Will you be able to escape before it's too late? And if you do, will you be able to leave behind the man you've come to care for?

As the day of the mission draws near, you start to feel a sense of dread. You can tell that Lucci is getting more and more anxious, and that he's willing to do whatever it takes to succeed.

One night, as you're lying in bed, you hear a commotion on deck. You sneak out of your cabin to see what's going on, and you find Lucci engaged in a fierce battle with a group of pirates.

You watch in awe as he effortlessly takes down each of his opponents, his movements fluid and precise. But as the last pirate falls, you notice a wound on Lucci's shoulder. He's bleeding heavily, and it's clear that he needs medical attention.

Without thinking, you rush over to him and start to tend to his wound. He's surprised at first, but soon relaxes into your touch. As you work, you can feel the tension between you start to fade away.

After you finish treating his wound, Lucci pulls you into a tight embrace. For a moment, you forget about everything else - the mission, the danger, the fear. All that matters is the way he's holding you, the way his heart is beating against yours.

But as the sun starts to rise, you know that you can't stay here forever. You pull away from Lucci and look up at him, your heart heavy.

"We have to go," you say softly.

Lucci nods, his eyes unreadable. Without another word, you both head back to your cabins to prepare for the mission.

The next few days are a blur of activity. You and Lucci work together to infiltrate a powerful pirate organization, using your knowledge of marine biology to gain their trust. It's dangerous work, but you're convinced that it's worth it - if you can help Lucci complete his mission, then maybe he'll spare your life.

But as the mission reaches its climax, you start to realize that there's more at stake than just your own survival. You start to see the impact that Lucci's actions have on the people around him, and you start to question whether his mission is really worth the cost.

In the end, you'll have to make a choice - between your own safety and the safety of others, and between your own heart and the greater good.

As the mission reaches its climax, you're filled with a sense of dread. You know that Lucci is willing to do whatever it takes to complete his mission, even if it means sacrificing innocent lives.

You try to reason with him, to make him see that his actions will have consequences beyond just the immediate mission. But he's so focused on his goal that he can't see the bigger picture.

In the end, it's up to you to take matters into your own hands. You know that you can't let Lucci carry out his plan, no matter how much you care for him.


Actually I'm changing the name it's Kidnap by a cat now not Why I'm With You! Gyahahaha! Welcome 😊.

[𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞] Kidnap By A Cat 🖤 {-ImBlue ʕ⁠'⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠'⁠ʔ}Where stories live. Discover now