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As you walk, you start to talk about your plans. Lucci tells you about a small town he knows of, where he thinks you could make a new life for yourselves. You listen eagerly, picturing what your new home might look like.

But as the sun starts to set, you realize that you've been walking for hours and you're both exhausted. You start to look for a place to rest, and eventually come across a small abandoned cabin.

It's not much, but it's shelter. You and Lucci make a fire and settle in for the night, talking about everything and nothing. For the first time in a long time, you feel truly relaxed.

As you drift off to sleep, you start to dream about your new life. You see yourself and Lucci living in a small house, surrounded by greenery and sunshine. You can almost feel the warmth on your skin.

But then, in the midst of your dream, something strange happens. The scenery starts to shift and twist, and suddenly you're standing in the middle of a barren wasteland. The sun is gone, replaced by a sickly green glow. You hear screams in the distance, and you start to feel a sense of dread.

You try to shake yourself awake, but you can't. The dream seems to go on forever, until finally you wake up in a cold sweat.

As you sit up and try to calm yourself, you realize that something has changed. You're not sure what it is, but you can feel it in your bones. And you know that your new life might not be as simple as you'd hoped.

The next morning, you and Lucci set out again, feeling more determined than ever to find your new home. But as you walk, you can't shake the feeling that something is off. You keep seeing strange shadows out of the corner of your eye, and you hear whispers that you can't quite make out.

Lucci notices that you're tense and asks if you're okay. You try to brush it off, but he can tell that something is bothering you.

"Look," he says, stopping you. "I know we don't know what's going to happen. But we're in this together. Whatever comes our way, we'll face it together."

His words make you feel better, and you nod. You know that he's right - you and Lucci have been through so much together, and you've always come out stronger.

As you walk, you start to notice that the landscape is changing. The trees are twisted and gnarled, and the ground is cracked and dry. You start to feel a sense of unease.

Finally, you come to the crest of a hill and look out over the horizon. What you see makes your blood run cold.

In the distance, you see a city. But it's not like any city you've ever seen before. It's dark and twisted, with spires that seem to reach towards the sky like fingers. The sky above it is black, with clouds that look like they're made of ash.

You turn to Lucci, your eyes wide. "What is that?"

Lucci looks at the city for a moment, then turns back to you. "That," he says slowly, "is where we're headed."

You and Lucci make your way down the hill, towards the city. As you get closer, the sense of unease only grows stronger. The air is thick with a foul smell, and you can hear strange whispers that seem to be coming from all around you.

Finally, you reach the outskirts of the city. The buildings are tall and twisted, with strange symbols etched into the walls. You can hear strange noises coming from within - screams, and laughter, and something that sounds like chanting.

You turn to Lucci, feeling a sense of dread. "Are you sure about this?"

Lucci nods, his eyes determined. "We have to find out what's going on here. We can't just turn back now."

You take a deep breath and follow him into the city. The streets are empty, but you can feel eyes on you. You keep expecting something to jump out at you from the shadows, but nothing does.

Finally, you come to a large building in the center of the city. It's made of black stone, with a massive door that seems to be made of some kind of metal.

Lucci takes a deep breath and pushes the door open. The noise inside is deafening - a cacophony of sound that makes your ears ring.

You step inside, not sure what you're going to find. As your eyes adjust to the dim light, you see that the room is full of people - or something like people. They're twisted and deformed, with eyes that seem to glow in the dark.

At the front of the room, you see a figure on a throne. It's hard to make out any details, but you can tell that it's not human.

You turn to Lucci, your heart pounding. "What do we do now?"

Lucci doesn't answer, his eyes focused on the figure on the throne. You can see that he's trying to make sense of what's going on, but you can tell that he's just as confused and scared as you are.

The figure on the throne stands up, and you can see that it's taller than any human you've ever seen. Its eyes are glowing red, and its skin seems to be covered in scales.

[𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞] Kidnap By A Cat 🖤 {-ImBlue ʕ⁠'⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠'⁠ʔ}Where stories live. Discover now