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As you continue to explore the world together, you know that your love for each other will always be the guiding light that leads you through even the darkest of times. And you know that no matter what challenges may lie ahead, you will always face them together, hand in hand.

As you and Lucci plan your wedding, you both feel a sense of excitement and anticipation that fills your hearts with joy. You both want to celebrate your love in a way that reflects the magic and wonder of the world you've explored together.

Together, you choose a beautiful spot in the forest, surrounded by flowers and trees, and you invite all of your closest friends and allies to share in your special day. The ceremony is beautiful and heartfelt, filled with laughter and tears, and you know that you have found your true soulmate.

As you dance under the stars with Lucci, you feel a sense of contentment and happiness that fills your heart with warmth. You know that your journey together will continue, but now you have something even more special to hold onto.

As the years pass, you and Lucci continue to explore the world together, discovering new wonders and creating new memories. You face challenges, but you always face them together, with the love and support that has sustained you from the beginning.

And as you grow old together, you both know that your love for each other will never fade. You will always be together, exploring the world and discovering new joys, until the end of your days. And when that day comes, you both will smile, knowing that you have lived a life filled with love, adventure, and wonder.

You and Lucci continued to live happily ever after, exploring the world together and building a life filled with love and wonder. You both inspired those around you with your kindness, compassion, and sense of adventure, and you both knew that your love for each other was the greatest gift of all. May you both continue to find joy and happiness in all that you do.

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[𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞] Kidnap By A Cat 🖤 {-ImBlue ʕ⁠'⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠'⁠ʔ}Where stories live. Discover now