10. The serious talk

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There was a dead silence in the whole room. Aryan sat on the chair behind his desk while Misha sat on his desk, facing Sahil, who stood in the center of the room. The tension in the room kept on rising with time. Sahil sighed heavily looking at the old couple glaring at him. Sahil decided to speak first as nobody else was starting a conversation. 

"Look, I know what I did was immature and ill-mannered but I just couldn't let them-"

"Since when?", Misha interrupted Sahil.

"Huh?", He looked at her confusingly.

"Since when are you playing with my daughter's feelings? And how long do you plan on playing?", She asked.

Anger rushed into his body.  Sahil's expression shifted from disbelief to determination as he met her gaze. 

"I'm not playing with her," he asserted firmly.

"I love her".

 His words hung in the air, carrying the weight of his sincerity and the depth of his emotions. It was a defining moment, one where Sahil had to prove the authenticity of his feelings and convince her that his love for her daughter was genuine.

 Aaryan leaned back in his chair looking at his wife talking. He knew that he didn't have to say a word, his wife was enough to handle a matter. Misha and Sahil stared at each other for a moment before Misha's serious expression turned into a smile. 

She stood up moving towards him as she held his shoulders, smiling proudly. 

"I know that you love her, I was just confirming that the guy my daughter loves is strong enough to handle this much tension or not", she said smiling.

Strong? My poor heart almost had a heart attack!- He thought as he smiled nervously.

Aaryan stood up from his chair walking towards both of them. 

"Well, if you ever hurt my daughter I'll cut your body into small pieces and feed them to my pet tigers", Aaryan warned making Sahil gulp. 

"That won't be necessary because If I ever hurt her I'll punish myself in the deadliest way", he said with determination making Aaryan smile. Sahil sighed in relief seeing him smile. 


I felt anger in my whole body but my heart fluttered due to nervousness. I'm so mad at Sahil for the stunt he made earlier. Why did he have to come and create a scene? I mean was going to deny their offer. I glared at Sara who sat on the couch with Armaan.

"Hani, relax! Everything's gonna be ok!", She said.

I glared at her making her shut her mouth. First, Sara called Sahil and now, Mama Baba took him to Baba's office. I nervously paced back and forth. I wonder what must be talking about. 

But why is it taking them so long?

What if Baba....


"No no! Uncle, I'm sorry! Please don't cut off my fingers!", Sahil pleaded, trying to tack his hand back.

"How dare you touch my daughter? You touched her with these fingers right?! Now I will cut them off!", Aaryan said as he held Sahil's hand against his desk with a sharp dagger.

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