Chapter 10 - Attie

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"That was a bloodbath!" I shout over all of the cheering. Our team had finally scored another touchdown and the scores were about tied by the time the second quarter was about over.

"Yeah, but at least we got some good photos!" Amy shouts back. Turns out that the head of the yearbook committee's camera had died and there was no charger available. A good thing Amy was on standby because when the first quarter was over, we were headed away from the bleachers and nearing the track.

There was no way in Tartarus that I was staying on those bleachers.

The marching band heads onto the field to start performing and I take that moment to head over to the concessions booth and grab some water. I ask Amy if she wants anything and I make my way over to the long-ass line for the snacks. I should have brought some jalapeño chips from home because this line moves slower than those snails from Turbo.

"Hi Attie!" A perky voice says from behind.

I turn around to find my brother with his arms around Kelly. Of course I would find Jason and Kelly here. My brother goes to every football game with Derek and has done so since before we were in middle school. I knew I would have to face him soon when I gave in to the thought of attending tonight's game.

At least Derek's not with them right now.

"It's nice to see you!" Kelly says. If one was searching the words "blonde beach girl" on Pinterest or just Google, you could easily find a photo of Jason's current flavor of the month, Kelly Sprague. It's not that I don't hate her—I've never had any problems with Kelly at all since I hardly know her—it's just that she of all people should know what she's gotten herself into. Every girl gets with my brother thinking that they could be the "one to change him" only to miserably fail.

"I didn't think I would see you here," she continues. Okay, maybe the fact that she talks a lot could possibly annoy a few people. Then again, I'm used to it. "Jason told me that you don't really come to these games."

"Well, that's not the case, now," Jason mutters with his eyes narrowed at me. I narrow my eyes back at him. Two can play this game, brother.

"Oh, right! You're here for Ian. It's great that someone finally trapped him in a relationship."

I move my eyes from Jason to Kelly. "What do you mean trapped him?"

Her face turns red. "I didn't mean it in a bad way. It's just that he's never seriously dated anyone." She winces. "I'll shut up now."

Jason kisses the side of her head. "It's alright, Kells. I thought the same thing, too."

I hold back an eye roll at my brother's statement. In his defense, I did say over and over again that I would never go to another football game again after what happened the last time I went.

"I'll be right back," Kelly tells Derek before pressing a kiss to his cheek and walking away from the line, leaving him with me.

I make a show of gagging at the display of affection, which only causes him to shove the finger in my face. "Like you haven't done that."

"Well, I haven't."

It's his turn to roll his eyes. "Fair point."

I take a step forward as the line finally begins to move up. Jason follows me and rubs his forehead. "I still can't believe it. Ian? Of all the guys you decided to date, it had to be him?"

His straightforwardness causes me to raise a brow. "I don't see why you're confused."

"I'm not confused, sis. A little worried, yeah. Not confused."

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