Chapter 18 - Ian

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On Friday morning, after what seemed to be the longest meeting I ever had to endure, I open my locker to find a little letter, floating gracefully onto my sneakers for what seems to be the second time this month. Geez, if I knew a fake relationship would mean I could get love letters then I would have done something sooner.

I know that letters were a part of the agreement that Attie and I had made back on Tuesday but if I'm being honest? I just wanted to see what she would have written in a letter for me. I lift the wax seal—now green instead of blue—and open the letter to see what it would say.

Dear Ian,

Okay, this letter is a bit rushed since it's midnight (shocker) and I have a history paper to start, so please just laugh like I'd just written something funny.

That first sentence causes me to laugh a little too loudly and a few heads turn in my direction. I quickly search the small crowds around me only to not find Attie. Okay, she's not watching so I can at least read my letter in peace. None of my friends are there either, which is honestly a little better. I don't hate my friends at all. Due to this stupid social ladder that exists, I'm basically on a rung that can reach the top layer of the Earth's atmosphere.

Side note: it gets a little harder to breathe up there.

I need to finish reading this letter so I move my eyes away from the halls and focus on the paper in my hands.

What am I supposed to say? Ugh, I'm reading that sentence over again and realizing how lame that sounds. I'm starting to sound like Jason. But what would you want to read? Please tell me next time you see me. It's a good thing you probably might not see this until after class or something.

She was wrong. This is one of the first things I've seen all day.

But whenever you read this, I just want you to know that I wish you and the team the best for tonight's game. Obviously, I'm going to be there. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't, right? Lol. Anyway, this whole letter is a jumbling mess so I'm just going to stop it right here. I know it's short but I promise to write more next week. I'll see you later and you can tell me how much you loved reading it. Like, right in front of my face.

Attie <3

A permanent grin is etched across my face as I close the letter and place it carefully in my locker. Specifically, between the pages of the big history textbook that I know I won't touch today. I actually don't think I've touched that book since I first grabbed it.

"Bale! What's up, man?" A finger jabs my shoulder. "Another away game!! Let's GOOO!"

All that shouting and excitement can only come from one person. And it's not my brother. I swivel around so that the palm of my hand makes contact with BJ's fist before he can hit my shoulder. "Woah there, BJ."

"Bro, did you just turkey me?" His face is filled with laughter and for the first time in a while, he's here alone. No teammates, no siblings (and he has two younger twin sisters who are sophomores), and no Sophia.

"What happened to Sophie?" I ask.

"Won't be here until lunch. Had a family thing."

I frown. "I hope she's doing alright." I knew Sophie before she and BJ became a thing and I know her home life isn't exactly sunshine and rainbows. At least BJ is trying his best to bring light into her life. My best friend really loves his girlfriend. It's obvious to anyone with eyes.

"It's weird not seeing one without the other," I tease.

He furrows his brows. "But there's practice."

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