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Chapter 5 5. Chapter 3 The End of the Winery (Xiao Xiu)

Until he was hugged by his sister Akemi and got into the police car, Miyano Shiho seemed to be living in a dream.

As a core member of the organization's drug research and development, Miyano Shiho, code-named Shirley, not only represents the organization's precious wealth, but also evidence that the organization must destroy at critical moments.

If the organization still has strength, it will never give up on Shirley; if the organization comes to an end, it will never let Shirley go.

When the members of the organization who had been pulling her away pointed their guns at her, the first thought that came to Miyano Shiho's mind was: the organization was completely finished.

It turned out that it was not her head that was shot, but the muzzle of the gun pointed at her.

The police broke into the stronghold, and Scotland walked behind them holding a gun.

She had seen Scotland before, always bowing her head and saying nothing, her blue eyes cast an indescribably gloomy indifference when glancing at others, giving people a gloomy impression. The figure that once looked cold and numb is now wrapped in a police uniform, and his movements are indescribably high-spirited.

Sakurai Saburo hid behind him, pretending to be aggressive, clamoring to beat up the person who chased him before, Scotland only pretended to persuade him helplessly, but allowed him to kick the hapless guy a few times.

...it's almost like being reborn.

Noticing her gaze, Zhu Fu Jingguang said something to his subordinates, walked over and handed her a mobile phone.

"This is for you."

He smiled a gentle smile that was not Scottish at all.

Miyano Shiho lowered his head. This is the mobile phone she left in the laboratory during her previous escape. There are many photos of her and her sister in it.

When she looked at her phone, the screen suddenly lit up:

[From ★: Thank you for taking care of Dad, I hope you like MIT. Goodbye, Shiho! ]

After she read it, this puzzling sentence disappeared, and her phone vibrated, indicating that there was a new email.

...is an invitation letter from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The inviter's signature is...

"...Hiroki (Hiroki)?"


Although Hoshi's intelligence was tossing Fugu Rei and Zhu Fu Jingguang toss, it really saved the investigation team a lot of trouble.

No one expected that the organization could be taken down in such a short period of time. Witnesses, evidence, funds, weapons, etc. are basically all confiscated. The most difficult battle is over, and the rest is only some tedious interrogation and tracing work.

Zhu Fu Jingguang has only slept for a few hours for many days because of these, and Fugu Ling has lived directly in the office - after all, the organization has no strength to turn around now, and the close protection of the Sakurai family can also end.

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