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Chapter 41 41. Childhood (12)

After that unexpected case trial, instead of suffering any losses, strange rumors spread among the people.

...It is said that after Mr. Inoue died, he still missed the church and the Son of God, and his body could not rest in peace. His devout faith supported his dead body to come to the church and crawl under the knees of the Son of God before he could sleep peacefully.

Since it was the first curse case to be tried in an ordinary court, the official did not disclose the details of the case to the public, and the relevant personnel involved were also required to keep it secret... Therefore, for some reason, this rumor completely changed among the people, which greatly increased the reputation of the Eternal Paradise Sect. experienced rapid growth.

The arrival of Mr. Ryūichi Naruhodō has greatly improved the church's legal department. Even the former prosecutor Reiji Mitsurugi helped Sakurai's mother a lot at the request of Naruhodō.

For example, just after the Firefly Festival, Sakurai's mother took her father to the countryside to prepare for the "Parade of Divine Children." They discovered the case of twin girls being imprisoned and abused in a small mountain village. It was with the help of prosecutor Yu Jianren that all the people involved in the case were sent in.

Any other person might not be able to achieve such an effect.

After all, Miles Edgeworth was once a prosecutor who would do anything to get the defendant a guilty verdict... He was very experienced in what he could do to get the defendant the maximum punishment... and those two seemed

very A girl with a talent for spells is also sponsored by the church and leads a life like an ordinary child. With the help of the special department for spell incidents, in addition to ordinary school homework, they will also be taught by specially appointed spell masters to learn how to use their abilities and protect themselves.

After that, the enemy never appeared. Sakurai Hoshi guessed that the knife he cut through the death line probably caused serious damage to the brain. Kensuo probably ran to an unknown corner to hide and recuperate, and had no strength to cause trouble for her... The church was like this with the height of the children

. It has been developing steadily, and its reputation has been accumulated little by little, to the point where you can get free meals when eating out.

But...this does not mean that Mr. Sakurai Hoshi will be able to spend one billion in one breath two years later.


That was the price of Yumenjiang, which she longed for!

"1, 2, 3, 4..." Sakurai Hoshi stared at the number of his deposit, "...9."

"Nine hundred and thirty million...still 70 million short..." The

pale-faced Shenzi The adult murmured to himself, his eyes losing their luster.


Why is there still so much difference!

"Tsk." Fuheishi'er, who was tied to the ground by Wu Hua Da, made a sound that made his blood pressure soar. "Stop reading it. Just do a few more orders..." "Shut up." Sitting on the human

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